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  1. jojo123

    New Emerald Crabs attacking Snail?

    :) Thanks a lot guys I guess that's must have been what happened.
  2. jojo123

    New Emerald Crabs attacking Snail?

    :notsure: I just wondered why my new Emerald Crabs started clutching on to the shell of my new snail right in the bag from the pet store. Then one of the crabs, the one that could put his claw into the shell's hole where the snails foot was, started pinching the white foot of the snail. I broke...
  3. jojo123

    Simple Question for Ogdog

    I would be more than glad for anyone to help but I'm asking Ogdog especially cause he's my friend. Anyways Ogdog what's something I could do to raise the ph besides taking water out/adding more? Like is there any product to raise ph that is known to be safe for saltwater tanks?
  4. jojo123

    Urgent, Beth or BangGuy please read and help.

    What ph raiser did you use? My friend told me some ph raisers can be bad for saltwater tanks for some reason.
  5. jojo123

    re: Urgent subject about my fish!

    Thanks so much I should've thought about that!:)
  6. jojo123

    Urgent question about my fish!

    So jungle ph up is safe for saltwater fish? because it says stuff like it's even safe for angel fish eggs and it also starts talking about other freshwater fish and how its safe for there eggs too.
  7. jojo123

    Urgent question about my fish!

    Well I currently only have jungle ph up is it safe for saltwater?
  8. jojo123

    Urgent question about my fish!

    the ph is 8.0 which my friend said was fine, and the temperature is about 72 degrees F, while the ammonia is okay to I just not sure what it was exactly but my friend Jeff helped me check it today and he said it was good for my fish so I don't now the numbers for that one. Also the cycle just...
  9. jojo123

    re: Urgent subject about my fish!

    by the way jeff i knew about posting replys
  10. jojo123

    re: Urgent subject about my fish!

    My blue/yellow-tail damsel fish won't move from the bottom of the tank under part of the live rock I think it might just be scared of the other damsel, which is a major damsel. Anyways it won't eat either so I wanted to know if anyone knew what to do.
  11. jojo123

    re: Urgent subject about my fish!

    The ph is fine so is the salinity and water temp. everything was just tested a few hours ago.
  12. jojo123

    Urgent question about my fish!

    My water temp is fine and the ph, salt is also fine.
  13. jojo123

    Urgent question about my fish!

    My fish is a blue/yellow tail damsel fish and I put it in with a sergent major damsel and another blue/yellow tail damsel. It has stayed at the bottom of the tank under these big chunks of live rock that sort of form a cave. Anyways I put it in yesterday and I added some stress coat because the...
  14. jojo123

    Ph Decrease

    sorry 4 all the trouble, it balenced itself out overnight :D
  15. jojo123

    Ph Decrease

    Is jungle PH down alright 4 saltwater?:help: