Search results

  1. ufdrew79

    Tang suggestions for a 180G reef

    Hi All, I currently upgraded to a 180G (current inhabitants are a Hippo Tang, mated pair of Percs and a yellow watchman). My question is what other tangs can I add that are docile and will not outgrow my tank? I currently have an open aquascape with 3 pillars (120-150 lbs of live rock) that...
  2. ufdrew79

    Long Island New York Xenia GSP's Pink Leather

    Hi All, I'm in the process of converting my soft reef into a stony reef. Here's what I have up available: 1. Large Green star poly colony ~9"x6" 2. Smaller GSP Frag colony (A little bit larger than a golf ball) 2 available 3. Combo rock with a large pink leather coral and 10-12 stalks of...
  3. ufdrew79

    Frags for Trade Long Island NY 11801

    Fishamajig, I'm available Tuesday and Wednesday after 7:30pm. Please email me at Thanks Update: All Gone!!
  4. ufdrew79

    Frags for Trade Long Island NY 11801

    I have one of the Acro's on hold for someone. I'd be willing to trade the other for the torch frag. Let me know. Thanks
  5. ufdrew79

    Frags for Trade Long Island NY 11801

    Here's the best shot I can get. These are ~1-1.5"
  6. ufdrew79

    Frags for Trade Long Island NY 11801

    I'm in Hicksville
  7. ufdrew79

    Frags for Trade Long Island NY 11801

    Hi All, Here are some items that I have for trade: 1) Red Sea Pink Pulsing Xenia Colony rock (~12-14 stalks; see photo) 2) Brown Acropora frag with green polyps 3) Green Star Polyps Colony (~2"x1") 4) Chaetomorpha (Handfull) I also have smaller colonies of xenia and unmounted frags of...
  8. ufdrew79

    WTD: Chaeto

    I might be able to help. Email me at for details.
  9. ufdrew79

    Red Sea Pink Pulsing Xenia for trade LI NY

    Hello, I have 1 large rock with 9-10 stalks of xenia and many golf ball sized rocks with 3-5 stalks of pink pulsing xenia for trade. All trades will be considered. email me for trade or picture requests. Can't seem to get email replies through SWF, my address is my handle (ufdrew79) at...
  10. ufdrew79

    Red Sea Pink Pulsing Xenia FS/FT Long Island NY

    Hi All, My red sea pink pulsing xenia have recently taken over my tank. I have 6 golf ball sized rocks with anywhere from 3-5 stalks of pulsing xenia and one 5"x6" rock with ~10 stalks for sale/trade. 3-4 stalks = $12 5 stalks = $15 10 stalks = $40 *Note: Pics on request* I am unwilling to...