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  1. tomos reef

    Brand New :>

    Ok finally spoke with my local aquarium store. They are very knowledgeable and extremely helpful! We will be starting our move on the next 2 weeks hopefully will have some progress on setting up the 90. Decided im going to just start woth corals. Once i have what i like, ill start ro add fish...
  2. tomos reef

    Brand New :>

    I've decided to go with the predator theme for my 90g. I really like the idea of the lobster. I can't wait to start setting that baby up. O and i forgot to mention that the 30g I just got came with a master test kit to. :) Im really happy with it.
  3. tomos reef

    Brand New :>

    Yea my dad has had a yellow tail for ~10 years. The people I got the tank from said they had a lionfish with this Damsel and 2 others. It only ate 1 of the Damsels. lol I guess he didn't like the taste of them. Not sure what I'll put in next. I may just put a little bit of coral in for now. I...
  4. tomos reef

    Brand New :>

  5. tomos reef

    Brand New :>

    Thanks! So I recently found a deal that I just couldn't pass up. I got a 30g tank, black gravel, 2 power heads, protein skimmer, live rock (I think) the hood and lighting and 1 yellow tailed Damsel for $75. :) I figures I'll see how I like this one and make sure I'm ready to tackle a 90g.
  6. tomos reef

    Brand New :>

    Anybody know what fish that could be by chance? lol
  7. tomos reef

    Brand New :>

    Ok well I'll wait on those for now. I found this guy in a video. What is he?
  8. tomos reef

    Brand New :>

    Thanks. I don't think Foxfaces get along with each other. I really like the dwarf and if my options are limited by "reef safe" I may as well stick with lionfish maybe? I will look into some more videos. I tend to lean towards gorgonians. Is there an eel that could live in a 90g? - Tomo
  9. tomos reef

    Brand New :>

    So I've rethought my fish list. I didn't realize the Korans and French where so huge. *though extremely pretty* 1) Fuzzy Dwarf LionFish 2) Magnificent Foxface or reg Foxface (prob not both) 3) Coral Beauty Angel, Eibli or Potters I take it since I'll have the lionfish crustaceans are outta the...
  10. tomos reef

    Brand New :>

    Haha yes I have taken that into thought. Thanks for checking though. So yes I am doing more research fish wise. I will work on my QT tank. Any size recommendation? -Tomo
  11. tomos reef

    Brand New :>

    lol Im not sure. What do you mean by "getting"? I already have the tank. Will be making the stand and sump. Im assuming the reef is assembled in pieces isn't it? Buying coral, anemones and rock separately? Im sorry to be so naive about this. Im kinda embarrassed. I have only done freshwater...
  12. tomos reef

    Brand New :>

    This is what Im looking for. This is a reef tank right?
  13. tomos reef

    Brand New :>

    Quote: Originally Posted by rickross23 Koran and French get HUGE. Too big for your tank. They need 200+g tanks. The flame would work.....reef safe with caution. Are you planning reef tank? They can nip at corals. Angelfish tend to be a hit or miss/ gamble. Haha thank you. I did not realize they...
  14. tomos reef

    Brand New :>

    I would really like to do a reef tank. In my opinion they are prettier. I just don't what is & isn't reef safe. I really just like angels. I don't have to have a particular one those were just some that appealed to me. I would just like to have one or some if at all possible. Would a dwarf...
  15. tomos reef

    Snake's Tips and Tricks for New Hobbyists

    All of the information we newbies need! My eyes are bleeding but I feel better knowing all this. Thanks for typing all that up. Im sure ill still have questions but this was very helpful.
  16. tomos reef

    Brand New :>

    Thanks a lot SnakeBlitz33 that was extremely helpful. My tank is drilled *sorry i failed to mention that* It has a hole on the upper back wall and a hole on the bottom. I think it used to have a canister filter in it. Anywho I will look for a 20 long to build my own sump/refugium *kinda excited...
  17. tomos reef

    Brand New :>

    Thanks a lot for the input. It is very helpful. I did not mean for it to sound like I would torture a damsel. I was thinking that if I put something in their that the eating and pooping would begin a the cycle but I guess that could take awhile. I would never intentionally kill or put a fish in...
  18. tomos reef

    Brand New :>

    Hello everyone. I have a 90g tank I've chosen for a marine aquarium. I need input on what kind of set up I need. I know I will be getting a protein skimmer rated 90-100 gallon. I was also told that the best filtration to have is a wet/dry system. I have also been told recently to try a sump. Can...