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  1. nasoldier

    Do I have proper coordinates?

    Hi IDK, I know commo sucks from just about everywhere in theater. Your Bro should look for the MWR at his location and possibly a USO that I doubt would be anywhere but Kuwait. As for the dish there are some local dealers that sell dishes and componets but there are monthly service fees, I...
  2. nasoldier

    GPH, Maxed Out At Skimmer?

    Does the P.Skimmer dictate how much water can be turned over. I have looked at a few skimmers and from what I understand they have to be operated at certain gph to be effective to fast or to slow would be useless. Example if a skimmer requires no more and no less than 800 gph to funtion properly...
  3. nasoldier

    Any Input Regarding Sytem Flow?

    Hi Ya'll, Just checking to see if this is proper. No exact dimensions yet. I want to set up a 150 reef, will a twenty Gal sump/fuge cut the mustard? Let me know what you think and what improvements could be made. Thanks much from a dirty, hungry tired worn out ol' soldier.
  4. nasoldier

    Do I have proper coordinates?

    Hello Grandmarm & IDK, IDK, it depends on how soon your brother got his boots sometimes it may take a month or two to break them in. If it has been longer than that he should go through his chain of command to get replacements from the QMaster "Could be a difficult out here" If all else fails...
  5. nasoldier

    Do I have proper coordinates?

    Not everybody can serve and thats understood but somebody still has to do the dirty work and well I just made a damn good candidate. I just hope to make it home in one piece, shoot I'll settle for two or three pieces at this rate. In the little bit of spare time I do have which consists of...
  6. nasoldier

    Do I have proper coordinates?

    The food here is definitely better than back in garrison so long as you have the time to actually come in and eat. Been moving alot and usually eat MREs and food to go so its usually cold by time I get my hands on it but to answer your question, Yup sure is better. I have an XL spreadsheet that...
  7. nasoldier

    Do I have proper coordinates?

    A little boom from me to you. Thanks for the info. Munk
  8. nasoldier

    Do I have proper coordinates?

  9. nasoldier

    Do I have proper coordinates?

    Can anybody tell me what all this stuff means? 150 gal Acrylic Aquarium, Blue Back, 2 Overflows, 2 drain pre-filters, 2 flex returns, holes drilled and bulkhead fittings. Thanks
  10. nasoldier

    Do I have proper coordinates?

    Hello Group, Lefty I hope that the Fiji LR works out well for you and I'll be waiting to hear about the results of its condition and quality. Todd, Thanks for the feedback I really appreciate it. I can see now why the statement "by time people finish putting together the equipment and supplies...
  11. nasoldier

    Do I have proper coordinates?

    Has anybody purchased the Ultra Premium Fiji Live Rock from saltwaterfish? If yes how was the service and of course the quality of the product?
  12. nasoldier

    Do I have proper coordinates?

    Hi Sal-Ma-Dot, Woo, this stuff be can researched until your eyeballs fall out. This is quite a challenge. Establishing a delicate eco-system takes some time and money LOTS of money. I created a kind of from scratch check list and have been making some projections but believe I can still tweek...
  13. nasoldier

    Do I have proper coordinates?

    No problem dropping the conch especially if that increases the stability of the infrastructure, I'll make up for it later down the road with a nice happy clam. I Finally decided to go with the 150 gal so now I can begin calculations with the other supplies needed to begin the process. Yea, you...
  14. nasoldier

    Do I have proper coordinates?

    One thing we learn in the military is plan plan plan then plan again before execution is even considered, failure is not an option. I haven't decided on the exact size Aquarium I will use but I estimate it will be between 100 & 150 Gal and because I haven't decided on the tank yet I can't do the...
  15. nasoldier

    FNG "Acronym"

    Hello Fellow Aquanauts, I have been wanting to establish a Reef with Fish setup for some time now and I am very greatful to find this forum. A little about myself: I have moved quit a bit but have finally come to rest in Colorado. Now that I have a stable and suitable residence I plan on moving...
  16. nasoldier

    Do I have proper coordinates?

    Hello All-I am deployed in Iraq now and I am stressed out as you can imagine. I have had FW in the past on a small scale but I do remember the theraputic effects. I am trying to plan this out before I return home and hope that I am in the right place for assistance. Suggested Reading Material...