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  1. bfons808

    Help...I killed all my fish

    I have to disagree. Here is a Google search: Google for ich and Quick Cure
  2. bfons808

    Help...I killed all my fish

    Originally posted by Beth How bad was the ich? What is the ingredients to that product? Basically, those so called "reef safe" products are not very effective and are unpredictable in the aquarium. Thanks for asking...I just found this: # Malachite green - This is the most commonly suggested...
  3. bfons808

    Help...I killed all my fish

    Guys, My tank was well established and had live rock, 2 Clowns, a Blue Damsel (I kept him as he was not aggressive), Royal Gramma, Green Mandarin, an Angel, a Trigger. The Trigger developed ich so off to the fish store I went. I bought Quick Cure and per the instructions, put in 45 drops for my...