Search results

  1. jvas0156

    Dual 175w MH retro plug & play setup FS
  2. jvas0156

    Dual 175w MH retro plug & play setup FS

    Im very intrested do you have pictures?
  3. jvas0156

    paver patio

    All I can say is I hope you have a lot of patience. I tried to install one last year only to have it settle improprely. I ended up re-doing it twice and finally paying a contractor to do it. There is a pretty good book at H-depot on patios that walks you through the process. My honest...
  4. jvas0156

    Sick clown

    I have a 72g tank that has been set up for over 3 months. My test readings are 0 amonnia, 0 nitrites, >5 nitrates 0 phos, cal 460, alk 10 dkh temp 79 degrees. I have a 150 gallon wet/dry with bio-balls replaced with live rock and 4 powerheads giving me around 20x turnover. I also have a...
  5. jvas0156

    bubble algae on newly aquired shroom rock

    I had the same problem. I got rid of it during a water change. What I did was while I was siphoning water out for the water change I positoned the siphon over the bubble algae and then scraped it off the rocks. The siphon then sucked it out of the tank without releasing any spores into my...
  6. jvas0156

    Fragging Colts ??

    this is a good thread that shows you how to do it step by step
  7. jvas0156

    Odyssea lights?

    I just found a website that has a 48" 434 w metal halide setup. The set is made by odyssea. It includes the bulbs 2x175 mh and actnicts as well as the hood ,fans, and ballast. Has anyone else ever heard of these lights? The reason I ask is that the whole setup costs less than 400$. You know...
  8. jvas0156

    Southdown sand

    For those of you like me that dont live out east, there is a well known auction site that has some for sale right now. The guy has 39 50lb bags of it. :jumping:
  9. jvas0156

    did i make a mistake?

  10. jvas0156

    did i make a mistake?

    do you do a CC or a DSB? From what Ive read on the boards here CC is a real pain in the -#$. In your opinion which is better? I was pretty sure I was going to go with live sand up until today. I just want to do things right the first time and not have to fix it later
  11. jvas0156

    did i make a mistake?

    thanx joker
  12. jvas0156

    did i make a mistake?

    I got my complete setup from my lfs today. I had done a lot of research and had a great deal of help from you guys on the boards. I was going to go with a dsb for my tank but the guy at the store said that crushed coral was a lot better. Is this true? From all my reasearch I thought a DSB...
  13. jvas0156

    Is there truth in 4 year crash? I think this thread might help explain the"4 year crash".
  14. jvas0156

    90 gallon reef ready has to go as a whole or break up

    im intrested in the wet dry and the powerheads email me at if still selling and with the info on both thanx im also intersted in the uv sterilizer
  15. jvas0156

    filtration questions

    :) thanx what would be the ideal setup then?
  16. jvas0156

    filtration questions

    :) :help: I know that you guys have probably answred this question about a hundred times but i cant find my answer on the posts. I am setting up a 55 gallon fish and live rock/sand. Is a power hang on filter enough if it has all three(chemical,mechanical,and biological) or do i need to look...