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  1. tommykylie

    RICORDEA YUMA! LPS! ZOOS!!!! Get em quick!!

    paypal sent Thanks!
  2. tommykylie

    Alot of Frags For Sale/Trade

    emailed you
  3. tommykylie

    RICORDEA YUMA! LPS! ZOOS!!!! Get em quick!!

    I would like 6, 8, and 10 shipped to 21045. email me at on how to pay.
  4. tommykylie

    125 Gal Tank & Equip For Sale - OH

    Whats the best price you could give me for the lights shipped to 21045? email me @ Thanks!!
  5. tommykylie

    high calcium levels

    hi, I've had my FOWLR tank for about 6 years now, but have recently started adding in corals, etc. .My alkalinity is okay at about 300, I do have a ph probe and my ph is always pretty stable. I don't normally dose every day but because I couldn't test my levels i was putting in a half dose...
  6. tommykylie

    high calcium levels

    Hi, I tested my calcium levels today and they were at 600ppm. I've been dosing every day for the last couple weeks because I needed a new test kit(just bought today). I normally keep it around 450ppm. Is this too high and if so how do I fix it. PH- 8.3 salinity-1022 nitrite, nitrate- 0...
  7. tommykylie

    Ricordia frag time is near!

    wow!! put me in line for some!! they're really nice!!
  8. tommykylie

    Alot of Frags For Sale/Trade

    I still want some eagles, dragons, morph'd zoas and the blue and purple mushrooms if you have them. Email me @ Thanks Shelley
  9. tommykylie

    Alot of Frags For Sale/Trade

    How much would it be to ship to 21045 for 10 each of the eagle eyes, dragons, and the morph'd zoas and a purple and a aqua blue mush.
  10. tommykylie

    $5 Kenya frags and others (lower prices)

    what do you have left? i am interested in GSP, kenya and some zoos. Also how much to ship to 21045.
  11. tommykylie

    for sale aquarium lighting

    does the nova have 4 or 6 bulbs and lunar lights? Also does it have a fan? how much would it cost to ship to md. 21045. Thanks shelley
  12. tommykylie

    RO/DI question

    Wow:joy: your system looks pretty easy to do!! I think I can do something like that. Do you have to set up a separate line for waste water or is there a way it can just go down the drain? Do you add your salt directly into the trashcan or do you mix it in another container? Another...
  13. tommykylie

    RO/DI question

    I am ptetty sure I am going to buy a system. My tank is 75G, and I don't want to be constantly buying water. I prefer the convience of having the water readily available anyway!! :D When you say "tap into" the water line what does that involve? Is any drilling into pipes involved? I am...
  14. tommykylie

    RO/DI question

    Hi, I have been reading through alot of the post and see that many of you recommend RO/DI water filters. My tank has been running for about a year and I have only used treated tap water in it. I've never had a problem til recently I had an algae bllomm which I beleive was caused by a dirty...
  15. tommykylie

    water is turning green

    Hi, Well I tested my phospates and they are ok I think (.05). My nitrates weren't so good though!! help: They were .08 which is high according to my instructions!! I tested all my levels last on Jan.12 and everything was where they should be. What could have caused this spike?confused...
  16. tommykylie

    water is turning green

    Hi Everyone!:D Thanks for the help. I'm going to check the phospates now and also try and take apart the cannister filter to see if it has foam pads in it. I thought it just had sand in it but I don't really know for sure since I've never taken it apart before!!:confused: I am pretty sure I...
  17. tommykylie

    water is turning green

    Hi All! I am new to this list and pretty new to SW fish. I have had my tank up and running for a year in March. I haven't had any problems with my tank until this past week, all the sudden my water has turned green and cloudy looking. I have done multiple water changes (of about 20-30%ea...