Search results

  1. luvsaltlyf

    Kent marine Garlic extreme

    So is it okay to add an itsy bitsy amount of fresh garlic to our fish food every now an then to keep the immune system up???
  2. luvsaltlyf

    What's this?????

    It is a yellow-orange worm with long algae looking hairs??? Good or bad????? We just changed from CC to LS so could it be from the LS????
  3. luvsaltlyf

    anyone near Raleigh/Durham, NC?

    I am looking for frags also we live in Charlotte. Tizzo I will email you.
  4. luvsaltlyf

    Should we switch from CC to LS???

    no we aren't having a problem with drifting but we put the LS on top and then put the cc in little sacks (made from pantyhose) and put that all arund to really feed it with the goodies from the CC. I guess this helps to get bacteria hold the sand down :cheer: good luck, you'll love it. I have...
  5. luvsaltlyf

    Should we switch from CC to LS???

    Wow KDfrosty that was quick! Your like me just had to do it ASAP. We love the difference, so real! Send another pictures once you've got the rock situated and lights and all. I can't answer you question on the LS we did a total of 60 lbs for our 55 gal and it is the same measurements as...
  6. luvsaltlyf

    Should we switch from CC to LS???

    Thanks! we bought the southdown at HD. We didn't rinse the sand, I think that's why we didn't have the storm? I heard bad things about rinsing it. Everything is doing great. We put the rock and water in big rubbermaid things and live stock in smaller containers. There is a great article at...
  7. luvsaltlyf

    Should we switch from CC to LS???

    we did 40 lbs of that southdown and then 20 lbs of Aqua something LS from the LFS on top and do you know we had hardly any clouding!!!!! We emptied the tank to get out the UGF (YUCK) and really clean the tank and then did the sand layers and then a little rock and poured the water back on...
  8. luvsaltlyf

    Should we switch from CC to LS???

    Thanks for all the info! Wow these threads are great for research! Anyway the switch went very smooth! We went with the lights and LS for now.:cheer: We thought we'd share!:happyfish
  9. luvsaltlyf

    Cleaner Clam Question???

    Hey Kim! We got one last week from SWF and it hasn't opened or moved. We are wondering if it was DOA?? Anyway to tell?
  10. luvsaltlyf

    Lighting and Protein Skimmer

    thanks! My hubby is in to DIY projects so we are looking for the threads on DIY for the skimmer and the refugium if available. Thanks again:happy:
  11. luvsaltlyf

    Duster Cluster

    We just got one and it was actually two clusters the size of a small fist.
  12. luvsaltlyf

    Should we switch from CC to LS???

    Thanks, and a big thanks to Scott for that thread! Sounds exactly like our tank :help: Love the search buttom now! I am going to be on here all day My husband is really going to kill me when he gets home from work and I say okay honey we've got to go get the Southdown sand, the skimmer, all...
  13. luvsaltlyf

    Lighting and Protein Skimmer

    great thanks! Someone said to also get an overflow/refugium/sump. Will we need it with the skimmer you listed and if so do you know why or what it does. Thanks!
  14. luvsaltlyf

    Should we switch from CC to LS???

    So, the hubby got called into work today so we are going to wait on the switch. We are going to get new lighting today what would you get for a 48x19x13? We want corals and maybe even clams. we need a protein skimmer too. Can you DIY on the skimmer?? I've seen some crazy DIY projects on the...
  15. luvsaltlyf

    Lighting and Protein Skimmer

    Our 55 gal is 48x19x13 and we need to get new lights today. What would you get? We want corals and maybe even clams. We also need a protein skimmer so what would you get or it there a way to DIY for the skimmer? Thanks!:cheer:
  16. luvsaltlyf

    live rock purchases online

    We just got the 45-50 for $199 from this site. It was 45lbs and that included all the packaging materials. I didn't see that they state that until afterwards. Some sites say you'll get 45-50lbs of LR without packaging being added into that. ANyway, it was still better then our LFS. Half...
  17. luvsaltlyf

    Should we switch from CC to LS???

    thanks for the info reefnut and thanks for the picture arkey. I love the LS and can't wait to do DSB. Just not sure if my hubby will be up for the switch this weekend. I guess my next question is for those brave souls that are doing the maintenance to keep the CC. What do you do? Yes we...
  18. luvsaltlyf

    Should we switch from CC to LS???

    Okay, so my hubby and I are reading all the great info on this site on we see we made a big boboo. We started with CC thanks to the LFS. The tank came with the UGF. I guess I want to list what we have and get your opinion as to if we should switch it over to LS this weekend and if so how do...
  19. luvsaltlyf

    How to add/change water?

    Francis your tank sounds like mine a couple weeks ago! When the feather duster, star fish and emerald crab all died in the same week I felt so bad. I took your advice Kim and I haven't added anything the last couple weeks. Well, until this weekend ;):happy: We found a new LFS and bought...
  20. luvsaltlyf

    How to add/change water?

    oops jere it is :jumping: