Search results

  1. svengal

    Green Carpet Algae on Sand...

    Thanks for the help. It seems likely that it could be a result of overfeeding (I like to give the cleaner crew something to work with). I'll watch that, do some more frequent water changes, and see what happens. My nitrates are just above norm, but nothing ridiculous. Lights are only 6 mos...
  2. svengal

    Green Carpet Algae on Sand...

    How does one get rid of the green felt-like carpet algae that grows on my LS and LR WHENEVER the lights are turned on? I don't keep my lights on very much (bout 5-6 hrs), the water quality tests well, and I have a cleaner crew. Is the algae good or bad? What's the deal?
  3. svengal

    Introduction of new LR...

    Much thanks....did some research on curing LR....will do!
  4. svengal

    Introduction of new LR...

    Ok...I would like to add a few more lbs of LR to my 40g. Right now I have about 45lbs. What is the best way to introduce LR bought online, without having all the die off in shipping result in increased ammonia levels once I put it in. FYI, I do not have a sump.
  5. svengal


    Ok, I'm a foolish newbie. just thought I'd get that out of the way. My tank is 6 weeks old, has cycled, and I recently purchased a Scooter Bleeny after enjoying the antics of my Lawnmower Blenny, assuming their diet's couldn't be too drastically different. Now all I hear is that the Scooters...
  6. svengal

    live rock

    Since LR is the topic of discussion on the forum, I'd like to know about buying LR online...I just brought 40lbs online and because of high shipping costs, had it ground delivered (bought on Monday, will arrive on Friday). Should I be concerned about my rock not being "live" by the time it...
  7. svengal

    Filter/Skimmer....what's the deal!?

    The general consensus is that the AquaC Remora is a more trusty skimmer. And that's what I was looking for, a general consensus. I saw an auctioned Seaclone 150 for around $70, but will spend the few more for a AquaC. I'm in no rush, as I won't be introducing coral for quite some time. I do...
  8. svengal

    Filter/Skimmer....what's the deal!?

    ...the AquaC Remora. Geez, it seems as if everyone around here is lukewarm on the Prizms and Seaclones. Time to open up the wallet a bit more I see. :nervous:
  9. svengal

    Filter/Skimmer....what's the deal!?

    ..Ok, no Prizm here. But I'll admit, I'm a bit cheap. A Seaclone 150 on a small 40G tank should do the job, no?
  10. svengal

    Filter/Skimmer....what's the deal!?

    ...I think I'm going to go with a Seaclone 150 Skimmer. That or a Prizm...My head is starting to hurt with all these options at my fingertips! :confused:
  11. svengal

    Filter/Skimmer....what's the deal!?

    ...hrrmm...I figured the protien skimmer is a necessity. What about the Fluval Surface Skimmer attachment? Does this essentially do the same job and act like a Protien Skimmer?
  12. svengal

    Filter/Skimmer....what's the deal!?

    Ok...I am in the process of setting up a 40G tank. Eventually I would like it to be a small reef tank, but for now am settling FOWLR. I have a Fluval 304 filter, 40lbs of Live sand, and 20lbs LR (expect more). I've been told I need the skimmer for I need a Protien Skimmer and the...