Search results

  1. dlttltstar

    lost 2 hippos in 2 mos overnite white spots all over

    Thank you for your reply. We were not patient enough and are now learning a valuable lesson. When we moved the tank with live rock we also moved all the water in 5 gal buckets in an enclosed trailer. We thought since It had set for 2 weeks and all the water levels were perfect it was time for...
  2. dlttltstar

    lost 2 hippos in 2 mos overnite white spots all over

    Hi I'm new here we have a 120g reef setup well established but moved 2 mos ago to new home. We are learning, not much experience my brother gave us the setup water, rock, fish and all. we added 2 anenomies, 5 yellow tangs, 1 clown, 2 stripped wrassies, 5 cleaner shrimp, mandarine goby, pink...