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  1. q2

    Cycling new tank please help

    It's been about a week now. I put a couple of shrimp in there and I took them out after the ammonia and nitrates spiked. So I should wait until they coime down before doing a water change.
  2. q2

    Cycling new tank please help

    Okay my ammonia, nitrates and nitrites are spiked. Okay when do I do water changes. Do I wait until the levels come down or should I do one now? Thanks
  3. q2

    Fiji Live Sand For Sale

    Do you still have the sand for sale? I live in Wy 82007, Thanks let me know
  4. q2

    Looking for an automatic top off systme

    Hello I am looking for something like the nurce. Can anyone tell me where I can get something like this or how to build one. Thanks
  5. q2


    I havent either
  6. q2

    Help setting up a 10 gallon tank to a refugium

    I was wondering if someone could help me setup my 10 gallon tank into a refugium. What parts I need to set it up. The tank is glass. If I need to get an acrylic one i will so I can cut holes in it. Thanks
  7. q2


    me 2 if it's no problem. Thanks
  8. q2

    How Much is LR at ur LFS

    In Cheyenne Wy LR is 9.99 a lb thats the cheapest I've found around here
  9. q2 order ?

    Today, the earlier the better and ask for a Friday delivery if possible.