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  1. trigger22

    Filter Media

    Yes, this one has the bio wheel under it. Thanks to those who have replied!...JT
  2. trigger22

    Filter Media

    I have a 125g I'm setting up. I have a Tidepool 2 that I'm not sure what I want to put in the three media trays. It came with a pre filter pad and a charcoal pad. I'm looking for some suggestions on the best way to go. Thanks!...JT
  3. trigger22

    Fish Ratio

    Thank you everyone! Your advice will be very helpful and is much appreciated. And yes(duh) rubberduck, it is a fish only aquarium. Thanks again...JT I'm in Springfield , DrummerBumm
  4. trigger22

    Fish Ratio

    Thank you everyone! Your advice will be very helpful and is much appreciated. And yes(duh) rubberduck, it is a fish only aquarium. Thanks again...JT I'm in Springfield , DrummerBumm
  5. trigger22

    Fish Ratio

    Hello......Can anyone give me a hand on how many fish I can keep in a 125 gal. I'll give you an idea of what I had in mind for a fish only 125gal. Clown Trigger Emeror Angel Green Bird Wrasse Green Wolf Eel Powder Blue Tang What do you think? Can I get any more in there? If So, what do you...