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  1. myfishkids

    This does not look good

    There might be one thing that happened that you have not considered. If the foot was damaged at all when the lfs took it out, that may have been the cause of its death and the clowns just knew he was on his way out. Normally when they expell their stomach, that is a last ditch survival...
  2. myfishkids

    splitting anemones

    I don't have a seabae, but I have a long tentacle that is 15" in dia and growing! I know they can split but it it only when THEY want to....although, I have heard that being stressed can do it also. You might want to cut back on your feeding too.:joy:
  3. myfishkids

    long tinicle anemone....sick or normal

    I had the same situation with my long tentacle. I have had it now about 6 months and the foot is just starting to regain it's orange color. It has been growing and healthy all along, so maybe it is the stress of moving that makes them lose their foot color.:confused:
  4. myfishkids

    NEED HELP FAST...Anemone split??

    :notsure: I have a 15"long tentacle,a rose,another long tentacle and two condis all in the same tank. I have never had a problem with any of them. They all seem to find their own spots and do just fine. I just wish I could get the big one to split! He's outgrowing the tank!