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  1. network13

    zoo help

    did you increse the light cycle? Are the lights new or used? Used lights will shift spectrum and grow algae.
  2. network13

    Storing live sand?

    I had an accident a while back that blew the front off my Reffugium (Thanks hurricane Wilma :mad: ) Anyway, I took the deep sand bed I had and poured it in to a 5 gallon bucket and covered it with water and an air tight lid. It has been that way since last October after hurricane season. I have...
  3. network13

    quieter pump?

    Torn between the Danner Mag-Drive 12 or the Quiet one 5000, which one is quieter? It will be running external in a closed loop through. Aprox. 8' of head. The flow being close enough to equal, as well as the cost, which one would be the better choice for noise? What about longevity? Are they...
  4. network13

    DIY lighting ???

    If your looking purely for astetics go with what you like, if you want to get the most bang for your buck, check how the different light/ballast combos perform vs. one another here;
  5. network13

    Bringing a Fuge on-line?

    I have 2 65w Power Compact sets i'll be using, havent bought the bulbs yet, still open to sugestions. What about using the mud from the LFS live rock bins? I figure it's been "curing" in the vats for who knows how long, so it should be cycled right? running my fingers through it feels like it...
  6. network13

    Bringing a Fuge on-line?

    I am in the process of adding a 30G fuge to my system. Currently I am running a 50G display tank and a 20G used for the sump. In the sump I am running 15-20lbs. of live rock in place of bio-balls, a skimmer, and a tray where I run charcoal and phosphate sponge on occasion. I am setting the fuge...
  7. network13

    I need help, my new fish keep dying

    now that you've stripped it down and rebuilt it, what did you use to cycle the tank? Why not start with a basic blue damsel or something and make sure it fully cycles. Remember, the bio filter was on the surfaces you washed not the water your taking from the other tank.
  8. network13

    Micro Bubbles!

    OK what is a volute? it that the same as the impeller chamber? if so then yes it was a bit loose so i tightened the wing nuts as tight as I could with my hands. I re-plumed both the intake and out flow sides. I ran 1.25" intake, and yes I did incorrperate a T at the top with a screw on cap to...
  9. network13

    Micro Bubbles!

    After installing a new little giant pump I am plagued with micro bubbles so bad I can hardly see the back of the tank. I have the pump pulling over the edge of the sump to the pump plumbed externally through 1" PCV, from there I have 3/4"ID clear hose to a SCWD and dual 3/4" outs. Where do the...
  10. network13

    Complete System For Sale

    Has this sold yet? Would you be intereseted in parting anything out? I am in the market for a used chiller.
  11. network13

    Xenia and Kenya in Ft. Lauderdale FS

    Im in Lauderdale and interested. tell me more.Where? How much? pictures?
  12. network13

    150w MH Setup for sale

    Check your e-mail
  13. network13

    Mexican Turbo Snails

    I don't know if any of my hermits can get away with shell jacking my mex turbo. Hes probably got at least an inch, inch n' a half, on the hermits. I think he could take em' :-)
  14. network13

    Mexican Turbo Snails

    Yea they do. Little sherman tank! Has yours started re aquascaping your tank yet? Mine knocks things over all the time. I'm just about to the point where he is going back if it were not for the fact I have a fuge I'm developing. Then it will find a new home in there. Away from my corals!
  15. network13

    New MH pics!

    Wow! you can realy see the change. Its like night and day. How much power was it before and what is it now?
  16. network13

    HQI UV Protection

    If you do, I may know of somewhere you might be able to unload one of those 150w set up's. :D :D
  17. network13

    Good snail/Bad snail Algae control?

    Originally Posted by wax32 "DONT BUY BLUE LEGS they eat snails" - mine don't Even this guy doesn't even tho it looks like he wants to: umm... I may have to adjust my monitors color but.... those crab leggs are red What about the feather dusters? Will the red hermits bother them?
  18. network13

    HQI UV Protection

    Custom Oakleys for the tank! Pretty funny, the tanks sunglasses will end up costing more than your own Who's behind those Foster Grant's? :happyfish :happyfish its the fishies!! :happyfish :happyfish
  19. network13

    Which pump for skimmer?

    As many people that have this skimmer, no one has an opinion as to which pump gave the best results?
  20. network13

    Good snail/Bad snail Algae control?

    No Nuclear crabs here, just regular ol' blue leg hermits. As far as the crabs going to war with the snails, I didn't think so either, till I saw two crabs ripping a snail out of its shell. I felt soooo bad. Poor little guy didn't stand a chance. Got shell jacked! :scared: