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  1. dann..

    How long of a wait?

    Ok. So, Im setting up a 10 gallon nano. Im going to buy about 5 or 6 pounds of already cured LR. So ,will start much of a cycle? Ill also be adding about 7 pounds of base rock, will this effect it cycling? Dan.
  2. dann..

    My 10 gallon heavily planted tank with PICS and VIDEOS!

    Hello, I see that you have a CO2 system. I am setting up a 29 gal and was wondering if you really need them. Can you just have more wpg and dose Seachem Excell? Beautiful tank by the way!
  3. dann..

    My halloween hermit

    Do you know if this crab is reef safe??
  4. dann..

    Water Changes in Nano

    Ok, One more question, When you do a water change, do you just throw out the water than you are changing? Thanks Dan
  5. dann..

    Water Changes in Nano

    Sicne htis is going to be a reef, Do I need to add any supplelments? or will the salt already ahve the trace elements with it? This is my first time settting up a REEF so im not quite sure on how to go about this. Thanks again Dan
  6. dann..

    Water Changes in Nano

    Thanks! So, I Just mix some salt water up again in a bucket or something? Do I have to add anything like live rock or anything to the water that I will use for water changes?
  7. dann..

    Water Changes in Nano

    Im relivtively New to Nanos, and Ill be setting up a 10 gallon Reef very soon. One thing I dont understand that much is Water Changes. Can someone inform me on how I should going about this? Thanks Dan
  8. dann..

    new snake, "squeeze"

    how big is it? and im sure they are peole that have burms bigger than 15 feet. - dan
  9. dann..

    Starter reptile for my son

    African Fat Tail Geckos are very interesting and easy to keep, also Pacman Frogs are a very easy one to keep aswell. - Dan
  10. dann..

    reptile people help please

    Well, that us what I learned from RepticZone, and what i have been told. - dan
  11. dann..

    reptile people help please

    30-extr-high. Just to let you know. Its very unhealthy to feed garters and ribbons goldfish. Goldfish have a very high amount of thiaminese in them which is harmful to snakes. - dan
  12. dann..

    Start of one "BIG" SPS tank

    Just wondering, Do you have any small fish. Like gobies, blennies or anything? or planning on getting any? Some gobies would make the tank very interesting, well im my opinnion. Beautiful tank by the way !
  13. dann..

    Power Filter

    I have a power filter on my tank that runs carbon. I was wondering if it was bad to add carbon, should i take it out? I will be turning it into a reef in a week or two. I heard that it will take trace elemnets out of the water. Is this true? Thanks Dann
  14. dann..

    LTA lighting question

    Yup. It should do fine.
  15. dann..

    Zoas and Mushrooms

    I have a 29 galoon and gettting 130 watts of PC, I was just wondering if i have enough lighting for them to spread. Is there any way to encourage spreading? Thanks Dan
  16. dann..

    Midnight Angel

    Its a Dwarf Angel. Im sure you can google and it will come up. thanks Dan.
  17. dann..

    Midnight Angel

    I have had one of these for about 3 weeks in my 29 and is doing fine. But in a couple of weeks or so, ill be getting soft corals. Is there a chance that it wont pick at the coral if it is well fed? thanks Dan.
  18. dann..


    I have had my tank for probabaly around 5 years. Im just going to turn this into a reef. But ive notcied that there is hardly any algae growth. I had a rock with coralline and all the coralline died. All my lvls are good. but do you think this is because lack of calcium? thanks Dan.
  19. dann..

    my fish wish list

    won't that dog face get too big for that tank? i thought they got around 15 inches or so? - Dan
  20. dann..

    LFS lighting..

    ok Thanks. Im just really new to corals so I dont have that much experience. - Dan