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  1. charles187

    Green algae

    i will have to see about a picture later. But it seems to be on the rocks like purple algae
  2. charles187

    Green algae

    What is the best way to get rid of this crap. It looks awful. Thae tank has been up for about 3 months. I just put T5's on about 3 or 4 weeks ago.
  3. charles187


    Which lighting should i choose? I could go with one of the Hang on Metal Halides 150watt sor overdrive 4 24 watt T5s. The tank is about 50 gallons. i want to have the opprotunity to grow everything. Any help is appreciated.
  4. charles187

    Hello T5 Experts

    my tank is 36in long, 23 in wide(curved front) not sure of depth. I am going with T5s. i have an Icecap 660 ballast. My question is how many watts would be needed to keep clams and SPS? One store told me that i would at least 8 bulbs. Is this true?
  5. charles187


    i was thinking about a retro kit, maybe use icecap reflectors
  6. charles187


    Do you think 6 39watt bulbs would allow me to keep a clam and sps in my 50 gallon tank? tank is 36in long and 22in high. thanks for you advice
  7. charles187

    HOB refugium

    Its not going to a sump. My girlfriend bought the tank and stand together. The stand is divided into a right and left half, not top and bottom. Trying to figure out if this will be enough filtration for the 50
  8. charles187

    HOB refugium

    I have a 50 gallon tank. 36in long. i want to put a HOB fuge on it. I saw some of different lengths. They were 18, 24, 30 and 36 inches long. They were all 4in wide and 12in high. Which do you think would be the best for my tank. I plan to keep a little of everything once set up. I may use a...
  9. charles187

    HOB Refugium What size

    I have a 50 gallon tank. 36in long. i want to put a HOB fuge on it. I say some of different lengths. They were 18, 24, 30 and 36 inches long. They were all 4in wide and 12in high. Which do you think would be the best for my tank. I plan to keep a little of everything once set up. I may...
  10. charles187

    New Overflow

    My grilfriend bought me a new tank after the old one cracked and spilled water every where. The only problem is that it is not reef-ready. The bottom galss is tempered, so I dont want to srill it. Has anyone used one of these or do you think it would be a good ides to use this...
  11. charles187

    Downsizing my tank

    I have to down size my tank. i wanted to get opinions on which of these 2 tanks to get. A 30 gallon cube or a 40 gallon stretch hex? Your help is appriciated
  12. charles187


    I am going to start a 30 gallon reef tank. I wanted to get a opinion on lighting. I thought about getting a T-5 lighting setup. I waant to be able to keep a clam at least. What do yo think?
  13. charles187

    Prism skimmer

    I have a fuge on my 75 gallon tank. I two kinds of macro in it. i want to increase my bioload with fish. I dont want to spend $$$ on a skimmer because of the fuge doing its job. I know of a prism delux for $20. i was wondering if this would be a good buy or not.
  14. charles187

    Protein Skimmer

    I have a 75 gallon tank with a refugium. I want to a HOB skimmer I was wondering if I got on of the CPR BakPak models, would I be ok. I have a reef setup and about 80 pounds or so of live rock. Thanks for the help.