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  1. 55gsw

    I have entirely too many tanks!!!

    A couple of years ago, I had 9 tanks going at once, 4 FW and 5 SW. It started to become overwhelming so I've gradually reduced the amount of tanks I have. Now it's 1 FW and 2 SW. The odd thing is, that when I had the 9 tanks they were smaller and now my tanks are bigger so I've basically got the...
  2. 55gsw

    how old is your oldest fish? poll...

    For me it's my ocellaris clown (female) at a little over 5 years and my yellow tang at just 5 years this month. On the FW side it's my blood parrot at 4 years but I did have a mated pair of marble angels and I had them for almost 8 years before they died - but, I don't know exactly how old they...
  3. 55gsw

    Corals with these fish?

    IME the large featherdusters are more sensitive to nitrates than mushrooms are. So you might want to cross them off your list. First thing you should consider is whether you have enough lighting to even consider mushrooms or polyps. What wattage do you have and what type of bulbs are they? Next...
  4. 55gsw

    New Aggressive Pics for you guys to see

    Nice pics!! Love the one with the shrimp cleaning the eel!! You have some very stunning eels that Tassa but least I forget, I love your titan trigger too!! (Say that fast three times!). Excellent fish
  5. 55gsw

    what is the most aggressive

    How big of a tank are you talking about? 20g dottyback (just about any species) 30g domino or neon damsel 75g undulate trigger 250 queen or titan trigger
  6. 55gsw

    Mixing Triggers

    Even without knowing how big your tank is, I wouldn't do it. Clown triggers can get quite aggressive, and I would be extremely worried about the lionfish, hogfish, star and urchin.
  7. 55gsw

    IOM: Feather Dusters, Christmas Tree Worm, CoCo Worms

    Excellent article CELACANTHr and excellent photos everyone!! I've had various types of featherdusters, from the large caribbean to christmas tree worms and coco worms (the latter being the most delicate IMO). But I have never had a featherduster of any type leave it's tube and live. Now, it's...
  8. 55gsw

    Post pics of your most expensive animal!

    Sorry to hear about your dog, Bluephi115!! I know how hard this must be for you and your family! {{big hugs to you}}
  9. 55gsw

    How to clean aggresive tank

    I use tap water in my tanks, but then my local water is pretty good. You can check your local water here..... In a 55g how about a dwarf lion, a toby (small puffer species), and 2 - 3 damsels too. Nice active tank and it won't overload your system. Some...
  10. 55gsw

    Fish only tank???

    Those dog faced puffers get huge!! Not only in length but in mass, they have very thick bodies so really, a 55g will not cut it for one. Volitans are another large bodied fish, so think about that.....two large bodied fish + others in a 55..... Instead of a volitans what about a zebra lionfish...
  11. 55gsw

    Your Fav. Fish

    All my fish are my favorite but right now I'm just having such a good time with my little picasso. Funny little thing, he sleeps in a big barnacle and in the morning when he's ready to come out, he will back out a bit, then go back in. Back out, go in. Then he will come out far enough so that...
  12. 55gsw

    How big does Aptasia get?

    I don't know if they get 2' but I've seen one much bigger than 2" !! There was one in a hospital waiting room tank. The thing was like 5" across on the base. When I was talking to the staff there, she said that the anemone was so delicate and how proud they were that it was doing so good...
  13. 55gsw

    My 55 gallon!!!

    Your tank looks very nice GAfish!! Excellent photos too!! The only downside is I have to warn you about your red starry hermit. These guys are WELL known for killing small fish. I've seen them in action myself at one of the LFS's in my area. I watched one try to catch a 3" lionfish...
  14. 55gsw

    How to feed an anemone

    If the anemone grabs onto the food but then releases it, it means that the food is not acceptable to the anemone. Try things like pieces of raw shrimp, or fish. You can buy raw shrimp/fish at the grocery store then just freeze it and use as needed. It's alot cheaper that way!! Just cut off a...
  15. 55gsw

    NEW FISHIES!!! Grouper and Hermet

    I love your grouper!! Very nice looking fish!! Nice hermie too!
  16. 55gsw


    Only one undulated to a tank. As they grow they get super aggressive and will kill other fish. Besides that, you will be maxed out just with the undulated!
  17. 55gsw

    Clean up Crew with triggers

    In my 75g FOWLR I have a peppermint shrimp, a sandsifting starfish, 2 small blue legged hermits and a large turbo snail. All of these were added long before I got my little picasso. So far he leaves everything alone and has even let the shrimp clean him! BUT, the hermits are AWOL, haven't seen...
  18. 55gsw

    Pics of your dog, cat, bird, etc.

    Everyone has such cute pics of their "other" pets!! :cheer: This is our dog, he's 8 years old and he's a chow/shepard mix....oh, my son has two rats but I don't have any pics of them....
  19. 55gsw

    Post pics of other tanks, no saltwater!

    Nice tanks everyone!! :cheer: It's nice to see some freshie tanks for a little change of pace!
  20. 55gsw

    Post pics of other tanks, no saltwater!

    I think we're keeping the same fish Gamedawg! You have a blood parrot, I have a blood parrot, you have 4 stripes, I have 3 stripes, we both have yellow tangs and picassos..... :thinking: Anyway, here is a pic of my blood parrot Pinky. This photo is really washed out and her coloring is much...