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  1. bpryor

    Is this sea slug safe?

    Thanks everyone, I really appreciate the feedback.
  2. bpryor

    Is this sea slug safe?

    Thanks to both of you. I think I'll take a chance on this one, since I'd really like to keep it, and it sounds like it's ok.
  3. bpryor

    Is this sea slug safe?

    Hi DevilBoy, Yeah, but I'm too even be in doubt, so that's why I'm trusting you people. :notsure: Thanks.
  4. bpryor

    Is this sea slug safe?

    Thanks for the fast reply. He comes and goes and doesn't seem to be doing anything bad. It'd be great if we can keep him. Thanks again. Bill
  5. bpryor

    Is this sea slug safe?

    This guy showed up apparently by hitchhiking on some addition to our tank. We have no idea when, or how he showed up, but I'd like to determine whether he's safe to keep in the tank or should he be....uhhh....given a new home? FYI, he's about an inch long. So far, he has not caused any visible...
  6. bpryor

    Funny piggyback rider

    This is a pretty humorous "mating" in our tank. One of our Kenya Tree corals had "babies" and one decided to hook itself onto a hermit crab shell. I don't know if the hermit was in the shell at the time or not, but one day we saw this cruising around the tank and it's been about 3 weeks now, and...
  7. bpryor


    Thanks for the info. We read up quite a bit on them before adding it. I think the tank fits the suggested parameters pretty well, and so far so good. It has not moved much, and yes, it has been on the sand pretty much all the time. No one has picked on it at all at this point. The fish leave it...
  8. bpryor


    The tank's(65 gal - DSB w/refrugium) been up about 10 months and is very well balanced. We put the scallop in about a month ago and have not had any issues, though it is pretty large and no one has appeared to want to mess with it. We have a variety of relatively docile fish(all small - pair of...
  9. bpryor


    For anyone that hasn't tried a scallop, they add some great color to the tank. Canon Rebel XT.
  10. bpryor

    dont do the blunder of tap water

    I'd appreciate the link too please. Thanks, Bill