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  1. matt13

    Is this a disease

    yes it is a new addition got it about 2 wks ago but the dots seems to be going away a little bit what else culd it be
  2. matt13

    Is this a disease

    4 or 5 white dots on valentini puffer is this a disease?
  3. matt13


    if a tang has a white line that goes across each side is that normal?
  4. matt13

    what aggresive fish go good together

    would an undulated trigger do fine with the puffer snowflake and clown though
  5. matt13

    can u keep these fish together?

    would an undulated trigger do fine with the puffer snowflake and clown though
  6. matt13

    2 triggers in the same tank?

    Can u have 2 triggers in a 55 gal tank if so should they be the same species or different
  7. matt13

    can u keep these fish together?

    55 gal.
  8. matt13

    what aggresive fish go good together

    55gal.column tank dont plan on having the damsel or clown to stay alive like triggers can you have more than one kind or species of triggers together?
  9. matt13

    what aggresive fish go good together

    right now i have a tang damsel and clown but ultimately want aggresive fish but dont know which ones go good together
  10. matt13

    wuld a hawaiian blue puffer mess with a yellow tang

    if i got a niger trigger what it mess with the puffer tang or snowflake eel would any of these fish fight?
  11. matt13

    can u keep these fish together?

    yellow tang, hawaiian blue puffer, snowflake eel, and clowfish could i add a niger trigger?