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  1. jason57

    My sand is turning red and green?

    all in one day my sand has received some kind of fungus or seomtihng. Parts of it are bright green and others are maroon colored. help!?
  2. jason57

    Atlantic Blue Tang

    I've always really liked these fish. How do you think a small one would do in my 55 gal?
  3. jason57

    Reliable Protein Skimmer for 55 gal.

    I've have my 55 gallon for about 2 months now and I've heard that one of the biggest improvements I can get for my tank is a skimmer. I was going to get a SeaClone 100 but from reading some of the threads, you say they are crap. I just have an Emperor 400 filter now and I was wondering what...
  4. jason57

    Filtering Water from Top

    Ever since I have put my sand in about 2 weeks ago, I have had kind of a nasty film on top. Its a 55 FOWLR with an Emperor 400 filter. The filter only takes it from the bottom, so not much of the top gets cleaned. Is there any cheap way to kind of filter the top to keep it cleaner?
  5. jason57

    Food for Blenny

    I just got a new scooter blenny yesterday, and I was wondering what exactly I should feed him. I was hoping he would eat some of the flakes that floated to the bottom, but he doesn't. I've heard something about feeding him bloodworms, but im not sure if that will work or not. Any suggestions?
  6. jason57

    Shy Damsel ?

    Hi, I just started out my 10 gal a little bit ago, and I started with just a regular blue damsel. Yesterday, I added a three stripe damsel too. Although the the blue damsel swims around and in the LR, the 3 stripe just chills by either the heater or filter is this normal?
  7. jason57

    Clownfish Confusion

    Hello, I was just reading around this site and I was interested in the Fasle Percula Clown. In the description, it said: -Do not mix with other Clownfish. Then later in the paragraph, it said: -The Percula is a very popular fish and will get along with other Clownfish in the same aquarium...
  8. jason57

    Chances of Hitchhiker?

    Hi, I'm new and I'm just wondering, what are the chances of getting a hitchhiker on some live rock? Does it depend on the store that you get it from? Thanks