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  1. ladybug

    Getting discouraged....

    My tank has been up for about 5 months. I am getting discouraged because after looking at everyone's pics I realized my water isnt crystal clear like everyone else. I do my water changes regularly and my levels are all good but the tank looks like crap. Also, all of a sudden my yellow tang is...
  2. ladybug

    This may sound stupid......

    Thanks guys. I will try raising the salinity. My tangs are pretty small (only about 1-1 1/2 inches) This 55 gal is temporary. We are in the market for something larger.
  3. ladybug

    This may sound stupid......

    I have some decorative rocks and plants. My substrate is saltwater gravel. I have 3 percula clowns a regal tang a yellow tang 2 blue damsels and a cleaner shrimp until recently. I have a HOB filter and a protein skimmer and 2 powerheads.
  4. ladybug

    This may sound stupid......

    I have a 55gal up and running for about 3 months. It has cycled and fish are doing well. However, I do not currently have live sand or live rock at this time. Do I need a cleanup crew? Can I even put them in since I do not have LS or LR? I bought a cleaner shrimp about 3 weeks ago. He...
  5. ladybug

    Regal Tang...normal?

    Just wanted to know if this was normal. My regal tang has ich. I am aware that it is very common for them. I moved him to my QT to treat the ich. He is not a pretty blue in some places like his belly and around his mouth. He is white or almost transparent. Is this just from stress? He has...
  6. ladybug

    New Nemos....whats the problem?

    Hi everyone! :needhelp: 2 days ago I bought 2 new clowns. I acclimated for several hours. My levels are great and temp is 82. They stay at the top of the tank practically with their fins out of the water. They swim as if they are fighting a huge current (which they are not). Is this...
  7. ladybug

    Protein separator needs help

  8. ladybug

    Protein separator needs help

    Does anyone know what may be causing my protein separator to blow air into my tank? :notsure:
  9. ladybug

    New girl on the block....

    If the gravel in my tank is ok would it be possible to cover it in live sand?
  10. ladybug

    New girl on the block....

    It is green marine algae. I put some in about 2 hours ago and saw him nibble at it for the first time....go figure :happyfish
  11. ladybug

    New girl on the block....

    Thanks Scubadoo, he is pretty small. I have an clip and some greens but don't know where the best place is to put it so they will feed. I put it on once and they ignored it. Any ideas?
  12. ladybug

    New girl on the block....

    That looks great. Are the live anemones and corals hard to care for?
  13. ladybug

    New girl on the block....

    We already know we want to get a bigger tank once we get the hang of all this. I just got a few inexpensive fish to keep from throwing my $$$ away. The tomato clown was given to me with the tank. He had lived for 2 months with no electricity and little food other than what was in the tank...
  14. ladybug

    New girl on the block....

    Digital cam out of commision. sorry..... Friend gave me the tank so I don't really know what kind of gravel it is. I will definately add the powerheads. I was afraid to get a cleanup crew at the start. I have a tomato clown, a yellow tang, and 2 blue damsels. Don't laugh.....I have some...
  15. ladybug

    New girl on the block....

    Hi everyone. I am new to saltwater and have a couple of basic questions if anyone has advice. I have a 55 gal tank up and running for about 6 weeks, protein skimmer, charcoal filter, etc. Is live sand a must? ( I have gravel at present time) Are air stones bad or ok? Do I need a powerhead...