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  1. dancinfish

    New to hobby

    Thy, I will do my research upon you recommendation. I thought perhaps 6" was a bit tight.
  2. dancinfish

    New to hobby

    Maybe this will clear it up. here's the exact measurements. 84"W x 31"H x 6"D and they've advertise it as a 30 gallon wall aquarium.
  3. dancinfish

    New to hobby

    30 gallons. I found them through the internet.
  4. dancinfish

    New to hobby

    Hello, I've been reading and enjoying all the information. I was wondering if anyone has heard or had experience with the wall aquariums? I've been considering a SW wall aquarium. the dimensions are 7 ft length and 31" wide and 6" Deep. They state that I can add live rock, but I don't know...