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  1. butter

    Is there a size rule I need to follow?

    I have a question, i've been thinking of starting a 300 gallon tank. what can I put in there as far as reef safe fishes? Is there a size rule I need to follow? My friend told me I can put as many fish in there as I want and not have any problems as long as the filtration is adaquate enough to...
  2. butter

    T5 vs Metal Halide debate answered

    Originally Posted by PiscesBlue Pro / Advanced (people with many years experience who want/need the best and have the ability to grow/frag SPS and keep the most advanced fish) I RECOMMEND Metal Halide fixtures Intermediate / Average (people who know what they are doing and are wanting to advance...
  3. butter

    T5 vs Metal Halide debate answered

    If you want me to teach you about Par then here: PARPhotosynthetically Active Radiation measures light intensity over the visible spectrum (400 to 700 nm), which is somewhat different from lux that reports the intensity o those wavelengths to which the human eye is most sensitive (largely the...
  4. butter

    T5 vs Metal Halide debate answered

    What does that has to do with saltwater? are you insane? I thought we're talking about Par, lumens, and efficiency. Penetration is not even in the freaking equation, our tank is too shallow. man, i don't know what you're on, but you must be working in the seaworld or something, because my...
  5. butter

    T5 vs Metal Halide debate answered

    How is stating proof on what companies are doing to maximize lighting efficiency annoying? The point of this post is to help people understand lighting, you guys are trying to ruin this thread by flaming, it wouldn't be so bad if your idea was right and you flamed, but Lumens is the standard...
  6. butter

    T5 vs Metal Halide debate answered

    Par? you are not even using logic or common sense when you are talking par. You don't have the ocean in your house, this is a max 30 inch high fishtank that penetration plays in the formula. Lumens is how large manufacturers judge how well their products compete against each other. They have...
  7. butter

    T5 vs Metal Halide debate answered

    "T5 is at least 33% more efficient than a Metal Halide luminaires" - this is a quote from a lighting design engineer that works at a local lighting company near my house. According to several experts in the lightin industry, T5 is definitely way better than the MH. The price is cheaper by 2...
  8. butter

    What kind light for 10 gal tank?

    thank yall for so much opinion. Yup, I knew that 10 gal tank is going to be hell to maintain, but that's the biggest space I can afford in my little cubicle at work. As a matter of fact, I had to get permission from my HR to setup a 10 gal tank since everybody else has only 1 to 2 gal...
  9. butter

    What kind light for 10 gal tank?

    Thank you for the tip, but leaving the fishes aside. (lol, i still need to get all the equipments first) I have just went to the fish store this morning and asked the "experts" there about what type of lighting they would recommend. According to them, (2) 20 watts at 5000 kelvin (PC something)...
  10. butter

    What kind light for 10 gal tank?

    Ya that's what I am afraid of. BUT~ according to my colleague (who is very good at setting up saltwater tanks), 10 Gal tank is okay to keep as long as I don't go cheap (not super expensive neither) on my filtration and other equipments. So, most of my equipments will run for at least 50 gal...
  11. butter

    What kind light for 10 gal tank?

    I am trying to setup a 10 gal tank, possibly include zoas, fishes, inverbs, and other. I have thought about using metal halide, but I am getting contradicting opinions about it versus the use of fluorescent light. According to my colleague, fluorescent light is better because it's cooler and...
  12. butter

    What size of Filter is good?

    I have just started my first saltwater tank. According to a friend, the bigger the filter is.. the better it will be for the reef, because there are more water flow, and cleaner water quality. however, I am setting up a 10 gal. tank. So, is a "Aqua Clear 110 Hang-On-Back Power Filter" a...