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  1. glnzoffun

    green tint

    just a bit under a year (10 to 11 months). I do have coralline growing so something must be right!
  2. glnzoffun

    green tint

    I seem to have a problem with a green tint to my tank. You cannot really see it when the blue actinics are on, but I've seen other tanks that don;t seem to have this color It's a 55 gallon with a PC(160 watt I believe). I have about 15 turbos, 10 bumbke bees, and 15 or so hermits. Any...
  3. glnzoffun

    Help my clownfish!

    I have a 55g tank. The wrasse is fair small, about 2 inches. He is about the same size as the clown. I've had them together for about 1 1/2 months, and yesterday was the first attack I saw.
  4. glnzoffun

    Help my clownfish!

    :help: In order to control my population of bristle worms, I purchased a sixline wrasse. I did my research (or thought I did) and learned that this is mostly a peaceful fish that should get along in myfish only tank. However, he is tormenting my poor clownfish. Is there anything I can do to...
  5. glnzoffun

    a few more pics of my 55g(ive added something new)hmmmmm

    Sorry! Nebbie, as you can tell. Diffent site, different rules.
  6. glnzoffun

    a few more pics of my 55g(ive added something new)hmmmmm

    Any online sites that you can recommend? BY the way, what types of anemones do you have? And, do you know what type of corals you can keep?
  7. glnzoffun

    a few more pics of my 55g(ive added something new)hmmmmm

    Made a mistake before - have a 55 gallon tank! So, any lighting tips? As you can tell, I'm learning and virtually inexperienced with anything but a FOWLR system.
  8. glnzoffun

    help with featherduster

    So, How do I keep the waste etc. from being trapped? I know I can only prevent so much! I have turbo snails, bumblebee snails, hermits, and 2 emeralds. ANy other suggestions.
  9. glnzoffun

    ?s about lighting

    I recently bought a sebea anemone. I know he needs special lighting (have a 55 gallon tank) and I need to know what I need for him. Im not having much help in my research. If possible, I would rather not purchase MH since they are "pricy" and so hot! I would like to stick to a VHO or compact...
  10. glnzoffun

    a few more pics of my 55g(ive added something new)hmmmmm

    What lights do you have on the tank for the anemones? I have a 65 gallon (I think - don't know got it for free) and I need to upgrade my lights for the a sebea I just bought. Your tank looks great so I thought I'd follow your advice!
  11. glnzoffun

    gobies question!

    I have a bar goby and I love him! So do my cats! He is a lot larger than most I have seen in the stores, and in my tank, his colors are very vivid! He definitely has a personality
  12. glnzoffun

    lighting ?s

    So, I need 940 watts of MH. Will this be safe for my other fish (coral beauty, perc.clown, goat fish, bar goby)? Also, will this be enough to, in the future, convert my tank to a reef? Also, do the MH lights act like the actinic lights in regard to the color? Or will I also have to provide...
  13. glnzoffun

    lighting ?s

    Originally Posted by Thomas712 What anemone did you get? What type of subsrate do you have? How old is the system? I have always loved my VHO/MH combo. 940 watts over a 90 gallon tank. Thomas I have a very tine sebea (sp?). I have crushed coral as the substrate and the system is 7 months...
  14. glnzoffun

    lighting ?s

    First off, I love this forum! It is very informative and everyone is so nice/friendly when answering my ?s. I've been on others that make you feel stupid asking beginner ?s. ANyway, I have a quesion about lighting. I have a 65 gallon tank that is 48 inches long and about 20 inches deep...
  15. glnzoffun

    Cleaning the sand bed...

    sifting sand stars and I believe sand-sifting gobies (not sure on the gobies though). How about cleaning a crushed coral substrate? I have hermits and turbos, maybe not enough? Any advice would be appreciated.
  16. glnzoffun

    Friend or foe?

    So, I guess I have nothing to worry about then. I tried to do some research on them, but I couldn't find anything through google. ANyone know of any websites that I might try? or books?
  17. glnzoffun

    Friend or foe?

    I was looking at my tank and saw some "new" creatures that I cannot ID. Please help. These things are very, very tiny, white and almost furry looking. They look like featherdusters in a way. They have a barnacle or coccon shape at the bottom and some have stiff bristles or hairs sticking out...
  18. glnzoffun

    help with featherduster

    Why is that? (about the coral substrate)
  19. glnzoffun

    help with featherduster

    No other corals in my tank (I do have a tiny ses anemone - a sebea). I have about 1.5 lbs of LR, but no live sand. I have crushed coral instead.
  20. glnzoffun

    help with featherduster

    Thanks for the info! As for feeding them, I'm not sure if they are eating. I have a "liquid" food by Kent called Micro-Vert (recommend by my LFS). However, I've read that this may not be a good product to use. Any suggestions? How will I know if they are in fact eating?