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  1. schnyd

    Starting Over

    We are in the process of restocking our 46 gallon tank and would like some recommendations on hearty fish. So far we have heard triggerfish and some wrasses, but want to avoid fish that are extremely aggressive. Please let me know any suggestions.
  2. schnyd

    opinions on salt level

    We are new to the hobby. We've heard several opinions on salt levels for fish-only tanks from LFS and wondered what people here thought. We were told .022, but just heard from another LFS that .017 is better. Thanks in advance for your help. Not sure if you need to know this: 46 gal, fish-only.
  3. schnyd

    wondering whether to give up

    I've noticed that when you guys give water parameters, you usually give numbers. We have been using those quick dips, so I don't have numbers to give. I can tell you whether the dips show ideal or unsafe conditions. Will that help, or do I need to buy something else to measure the water?
  4. schnyd

    wondering whether to give up

    Pufferlover: we have the 46 gal bowfront you are talking about. You said you've had luck with it and had 10 fish...what were the 10 fish? Thanks for your input.
  5. schnyd

    wondering whether to give up

    On the skimmer subject: We have a CPR, which I believe is a skimmer. Its valve is wide-open, which I believe means we're pulling in as much air as possible. Is there something else we can do to get oxygen in the tank? By the way, the sailfin tang died today. So that is 4 fish in two days. We...
  6. schnyd

    wondering whether to give up

    Let me know if this sounds like overcrowding. We started out with a few damsels and then each month started to add extra fish. We had two damsels, then added a Yellow Tang and blackbird wrasse (that died) in October, Followed by a clownfish and Blackbird wrasse in December, follwed by a Mexican...
  7. schnyd

    wondering whether to give up

    My husband and I are new to the hobby and I just stumbled upon this message board. We started a tank 7 1/2 months ago. Fish-only, 46 gallon, emperor power filter, CPR unit. We're using the only LFS we trust, but it sounds to me from this message board that most people don't have a high opinion...