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  1. elias

    anemona/carpet HELP

    I have a 10" carpet and is perfect for months, I make a 20% water change like always and after that is behaving very wierd, it inflates and is loosing those small little arms, it looks like is suffering big time, what can I do???
  2. elias

    water changes

    Thanks, but I still don't know when should I do a water change, how much of it and how can I find out about having good oxigen for the fish??? :eek: :eek:
  3. elias

    feather dusters

    Hi everybody, i need some advice, I have 3 feather dusters ,some corals and some fish everything looks great except 1 feather duster.Is like on slow motion and trying to get out of its place, even if I move it it don't go fast inside, and the feathers look in the tip like fadding, any advice????
  4. elias


    Can anybody tell me how many hours should this kind of light be on, I shop in 2 stores 1 told me 24 hours a day and the other that I should put a timer for 8 hours at night .
  5. elias

    water changes

    Can someone tell me what is the best way to succesfully make 20% water changes. I have r/o available.And also if can I add some l/s.
  6. elias

    blue starfish

    Did anybody here experienced a star droping eggs ??? what can you do about it and is possible that they live????
  7. elias


    Can anybody tell me what size are the purple lobster's they sell here and if it will be safe with 2 angels and 1 clown???
  8. elias


    Thanks for your advice but what I don't understand is how in the store that I shop they have a demo tank with all kinds of corals and some inverts with several fish (4 tangs) ??? And i have seen these set up for at least 10 times in the last six months and seems perfect, what they do to keep it...
  9. elias


    So there is no hope on my tank to get inverts and corals even something????
  10. elias


    Well I thought that this 2 butterfly I have they would not harm corals???
  11. elias


    Hi everybody, I have a 46 gal with 5 fish on it. marron clown, buterfly longnose,coral beauty,HENIOCHUS and and a sailfin tang. I need advise in what cleaning crew should I put, and also I want to get some corals and inverts, I'll appresiate any feedback, thanks.
  12. elias


    Hi everybody, I have a 46 gal with 5 fish on it. marron clown, buterfly longnose,coral beauty,HENIOCHUS and and a sailfin tang. I need advise in what cleaning crew should I put, and also I want to get some corals and inverts, I'll appresiate any feedback, thanks.