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  1. dragonet12

    STAR FISH compatibility question

    Alright thanks for teh help i will work on all that inorder to get one and thanks again fo rthe help. :happyfish
  2. dragonet12

    STAR FISH compatibility question

    My tank is a 39 gallon salt is between1.020 and1.023 the ph is about 8.0 safe zone in the chart it came with i thas been running for a year and a half ammonia is 0.0 to 0.1 safe i have about 20 or so pound sof live rock
  3. dragonet12

    STAR FISH compatibility question

    :happy: :happy: h* ok, i will. thanks
  4. dragonet12

    STAR FISH compatibility question

    I am planning on getting a orange linkia star but i have a clownfish and anenome will the linkia be ok with a urchin and the other two. also is there a reef safe star that eats bristle worm i have they are driving me mad :mad: and will the bristle worms eat the star. thanks for any help. h*