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  1. cmald1012

    Turbo Snails having babies

    I looked in my fish tanks and there seem to be the spots all over the glass. So I went closer and noticed that they were what seems to be baby snails. I also have the hermet crabs in my tank but they do not get on the glass. So I assume that they are baby snails. My question is Will any of...
  2. cmald1012

    Adding Fish

    The Mandarin is doing great. I have had him and the tang about 2 months. The owner of the Aqurium has been in business for a long time. He installs and takes care of a lot of the big companys here in Dallas that have salt water aquirums. That is where I meet him from. He installed and...
  3. cmald1012

    Adding Fish

    First of all I appreciate you responding to my question, but you could be a little bit nicer the way that you say things. The owner of one of the top known aquirums in Dallas is the one that helped me set my tank up. I have not had any problems with my fish. And I cycled my first tank with...
  4. cmald1012

    Adding Fish

    This is my second tank that I have started up. I started up my 30gallon about 8monts ago and everything is going GREAT. I started up a 50gallon on Saturday. I have got the salt levels and everything else perfect. I know that you are supposed to put the starter fish in exp. Dominoes or blue...
  5. cmald1012

    Turbo Snail Trouble

    Thank you so much for replying to my question. Is there a way to get more info on the Amphipod. I really could not tell by looking at that picutre. It kind of looks like them. Well they hurt the tank? Do I need to kill them? Thanks, Crystal Maldonado
  6. cmald1012

    Turbo Snail Trouble

    My husband and I purchased 6 Turbo Snails on Saturday. We were checking to see if they were still alive or not. When my husband touched the bottom of one of them. A hard shell like material fell off of the bottom of the opening where the snail is and then a bunch of little white almost clear...