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  1. dipman6969

    My proud 20g long

    hey golden puffer, how much did all the equipment cost and did you also buy a stand. I like your look and want to get the same equipment(of coarse not copy animals, just equipment)
  2. dipman6969


    I have a 20 gallon tank and I think I want shrimp but arew they good to have and why? What species is best for a 20 gallon reef tank. Also, what is the best species of snail
  3. dipman6969

    simulating the ocean

    I know that in the ocean, water is constantly moving and plankton are being pushed around and if this didn't happen, the water and animals would not do as well. How do you create these currents in your tank and what is a skimmer. I know there are filtration systems, skimmers and possibly a...
  4. dipman6969


    Hi. I am new so I don't know much but for lighting, should you put a piece of glass over the top of the aquarium and set a light across it or what.
  5. dipman6969


    Is it a good idea to have coral in a 30 gallon tank. Pros and cons? Also, if I should, how much should I get?
  6. dipman6969

    good stores

    I was thinking that I might want to get the stuff for my tank and the equipment itself at *****. Do you think thats a good idea or should I get it here.
  7. dipman6969

    Feather Dusters

    sorry to cahnge subject, but when you change water, how do you do it and do you put in newly mixed salt water
  8. dipman6969

    reef tanks

    When making a reef tank, what things are necessary and what things are optional(equitment and animal). For a 30 gallon tank, could I get lobsters eels and whatever else. Also, where does the plankton come from if you are using fresh water with sea salt?
  9. dipman6969

    preparing the tank

    what is a powerhead? Please list all equitement needed for say a 20 or 30 gallon tank? For that sized tank, could I put lobsters in? Are certain things not suitable for a 30 gallon tank? When you say heater, is that a light or is that different?
  10. dipman6969

    preparing the tank

    What equitement and how does the shrimp start a cycle. I'm confused
  11. dipman6969

    preparing the tank

    If I put in fresh water, won't the animals die.
  12. dipman6969

    preparing the tank

    When I first buy my tank, not even having bought the animals, what do I do. What substrate and what kind of water do I put in? One more question, how do you decide what filter to get?
  13. dipman6969

    Don't know what to do

    I have absoluetly no expierence with creating these besides making them at camp. I am excited about the fact that I can make a coral reef but I don't know what to do. What size tank do I get and for the size tank, what should I put in there. I think I am probably more interested in the...