Search results

  1. albert7753

    55 gal complete set up

    guessing by the name maybe DALLAS ? if you are in Texas please let me know I am local and could swing by.
  2. albert7753

    WTB - halide pendant Tx ( DFW )

    Looking to add 2 - halide pendants to my tank ( 180gal ). I already have the lights just trying to upgrade reflector and pendant. I am running 2-250w SE 12K bulbs. If you have 1 - 2 please email me at and pictures would be very helpful.
  3. albert7753

    Selling Tank & Supplies - DFW Metroplex

    Still interested in Live Rock ... never heard back from you.
  4. albert7753

    Selling Tank & Supplies - DFW Metroplex

    Intrested in : 50 lbs live rock (fiji) with mushroom corals (various) 30(ish) lbs live sand 1 percula clown 1 cleaner shrimp 1 coralife power compact lights, 24" 2x 65W 1 sattelite pro power compact, 24" 2x 65W 2 heaters 4 powerheads (small sized rio jets) Depends on price really. I am local...
  5. albert7753

    Selling Tank & Supplies - DFW Metroplex

    could you email me a picture of the set up I am in need of live rock . I am also in Dfw area ( Mesquite )
  6. albert7753

    125 with custom cabinet in fort worth TX

    Could you also send me pics I am in Dallas so really close by. Also what are you asking for it all.
  7. albert7753

    Estimate on selloff of 2 240gal setups

    Robn could you email me to discuss the tank or would you rather do it on this board ?
  8. albert7753

    Estimate on selloff of 2 240gal setups

    Robn - please contact me by email or post here. I would like to purchase this from you if we can agree on the price. I am currently looking to upgrade from my 150RR reef. email addy - thank you.
  9. albert7753

    Estimate on selloff of 2 240gal setups

    Robn - I am intrested in the tank, stand, canopy, and the sump 75g. What are you asking for just these items ?
  10. albert7753

    75g with 100+ lbs LR in TEXAS

    have you tried [do not post links to other forums
  11. albert7753

    Pricing for tank & supplies TX

    I didn't see your location but if your in the DFW area you may want to post your sale at . Also they don't allow auctions so you may need to put a asking price.
  12. albert7753

    Anyone from Texas?

    I'm a member of dfwmas in dallas. I am in mesquite so if anybody has anything they want to trade let me know. I currently have a hammer 6 heads branching with purple/pink tips. I also have a leather around 4 in across and a stem around 3-4 in. I have pics so if your intrested let me know. email...
  13. albert7753

    do you leave MH lights on all the time

    I currently have 2-250w mh's & 1-400w mh in the middle. You don't want to keep them on all day for varouis reasons. bad alge growth. Metal halides take awhile to turn on so if you turn them off you have to wait a bit to turn them back on.