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  1. eric the red

    Problem with MH please help

    Here is a quick test for you. Turn off your lights, let them cool down, then swap them around. If the same one is still blinking on and off then it is a bad bulb. Most HID (High Intensity Discharge) lamps will cycle as they are bad. I work on lights for a power company and can tell that if your...
  2. eric the red

    Dwarf Fuzzys...

    Thick about that next time you eat a quater pounder from McDonalds!
  3. eric the red

    Dwarf Fuzzys...

    I disagree with you on the feeder fish contraversy. Mine will eat a couple feeder fish and then not have a problem gulping down frozen food. And I would go as far as to say the it prefers krill above even the live food.
  4. eric the red

    Dwarf Fuzzys...

    My Dwarf Fuzzy acts how ever he feels like, meaning sometimes he will set on the rocks out in plane sight, or will hide behinde peace of dead coral. He will also stick to the sides of the glass in one spot or just lay on the bottom. He will also hide in the Macro-algae, and I don't think he has...
  5. eric the red

    Introducing a Dwarf Fuzzy Lion..

    James, How much live rock are you adding at the time you want to add the Lion fish? If you are adding ten pounds or less at the time it should be O.K. Some people post that the Dwarf Fuzzies are not as hardy as other lions, but I would dissaggree. Mine has lived through just about every...
  6. eric the red

    dwarf lion

    Gibbus: Your lion should be happy! You feed him a good varity of foods. All of which will give him adaquate nutrition. Moderation is the key to feeder fish. Guppies are like a "big greasy cheeseburger", O. K. every now and then, but not for a long term use of feeding. IMHO you have done...
  7. eric the red

    Dwarf Lionfish

    You keep a Lion with just about any fish that will not fit in his mouth. I have my Dwarf Lion with a maroon clownfish. And he has also lived peacefully with many Damsels. Since your tank is a 30 gal you will want to get some thing that will not out grow your tank to fast. Clarkii or Sebae...
  8. eric the red

    will these light bulbs work?

    Absolutley not! Normal output flourescent daylight tubes are horrible. They only putout 6500K with color rendering index of 76. Which is completely insufficiant for corals. If you are serious about keeping live corals it would be wiser to invest in metal halides or power compact flourescents...
  9. eric the red

    an opinion on lionfish...?

    More than likely live feeder may be the only thing it may eat in the begining. However lions can be easily switched to frozen foods. Krill is my lions favorite, but they can be feed just about any meaty food( clam,shrimp, squid...etc).
  10. eric the red

    an opinion on lionfish...?

    In my opinion, you should be fine with your selection. My dwarf fuzzy lion is about the easyiest thing I have had to take care of and two should be no problem as long as you watch your water parameter carefully, as your tangs will be more sensitive, than your damsels or lionfish. The damsels...
  11. eric the red

    Anyone have an eel escape?

    Our SFE got out recently for the first time, since we had him, and unfortunatly it was his last. My wife found him on the floor around noon so he was probaply out all night and half the day! However he did not recover from it. The tank seems empty without one in it. <img...
  12. eric the red

    What to look for in a dwarf lion?

    Excellent, I have had Mine for just about forever. Though he is a Fuzzy Dwarf Lion. Their size, since they are close together, should not really matter. You need evaluate the one you like most as if your a judge in a contest. Meaning look for any irregularities; spots that don't belong, scrapes...
  13. eric the red

    fish problems

    We may need a little more information such as what kind of fish have you put in; did they look in good health when you purchased them. How did they behave when you first introduced them, if they did have parasites they might have jerky movements or rub against something as if trying to scrape...
  14. eric the red


    I know that this reply is a little late but I have not been home lately....Chrystal you and I think alike, earlier this year I took out the carbon of my Penguin Bio wheel fiter and replaced it with some of Aquaruim pharmaceuticals' Bio-chem Stars. I placed them in a pyramid shape, to turn it...
  15. eric the red

    Question for electrition-lighting

    It all depents on the ballast, some will say that they can work for both T8 & T12 but the wattage is what you will have to be conserned with. If the bulb you want to use is higher than the wattage of the ballast, it will burn the ballast out quicker.Also FYI a Daylight NO flouresent lamp has a...
  16. eric the red

    What lighting do you use??

    Well noone else has posted anything,but I will! I use two NO flouresent tubes 1 daylight which has a rating of 6500 K and a color redering index of 76,and 1 Deluxe cool white which only has a K rating of 4100 but a color rendering index of 89! They are inexpensive can be purchased at any store...
  17. eric the red

    Improving the UGF??

    With all that equipment why do you even have a UGF? My tank only has the UGF,how high would your nitrates be in your tank if you only used the UGF and no skimmer or live rock? Then you would see that 30 ppm is not that high! :eek:
  18. eric the red

    Improving the UGF??

    Has anyone thought of way to make undergravel filter more refined ? Every one seems to complain about the nitrates they put out(mine stays at about 30 ppm).However I thought the other day about modifing the ugf into a semi refugium.Of couse this would have to be done when setting up a new tank...
  19. eric the red

    One fish swimming weird!

    The dominant 3-stribed Damsel in my tank does something similar, as if mine has a floting problem. He bobs in the water about 5 times in row about once a day.Mine doesn't do it all the time as if it was a serious problem, just once usualy in the evening. So I don't if that helps but yours is not...
  20. eric the red

    Cleaner Wrasse Injury

    EFrank it will more than likely heal on it's own, However, if you think it is necessary, you can place the fish in a quarantine tank by himself and paint the wound with iodine( very small amount) and a small paintbrush. Keep him in there untill the wound heals completley, to avoid it becoming...