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  1. lank

    Mandarin Dragonet feeding ideas

    That could work. Thanks. Its just them dang shrimp i have to deal with.
  2. lank

    Mandarin Dragonet feeding ideas

    So here is where i am at right now. 72 bow front with a 100lbs of rock, 40 gal sump with refug, and a 15 gallon frag tank all plumbed into one system and its 7 months old. So a little over a month ago i picked up a mandarin and put the little guy in my frag tank so i could keep a eye on him and...
  3. lank

    Lets see those tanks!

    Haha have to love them.
  4. lank

    Lets see those tanks!

    72 gallon bowfront 6 months old What do ya think?
  5. lank

    72 gallon bowfront build

    Figured id toss up a couple pictures of what the tank looks like now. Would love to hear any suggestions if any of you reefs have any. Left side Right Side Full tank shot
  6. lank

    72 gallon bowfront build

    Bump well no one has tried to help so here goes one last shot on this forum. I have 3 Zebra darts and 3 lyrtails looking for more "reef" fish as in small group fish that will zoom through out the rocks like the rest of the fish do. I would like it too look very much like a reef with more smaller...
  7. lank

    Best t5 reflectors

    I have a 72 gallon bowfront with 4x48'' t5 bulbs with a DIY reflectors. Would like to upgrade the reflectors so i can get more out of my lights. So what would be the best reflectors to get. Would like to do MH but worried about the electric bill cost and the heat they put off. Thanks, Mike
  8. lank

    72 gallon bowfront build

    Bump So looking to buy some better 48 t5 reflectors to get more out of my lighting what are some of the better ones out there?
  9. lank

    72 gallon bowfront build

    Today i picked up 3 Lyrtail Anthias one mature male and two females. Also a purple wall hammer. My tank is very LPS dominated could this be why my little green leather isn't doing very well? What could i do to help it out because its still very small and pulled in? Picked up a full clean up...
  10. lank

    72 gallon bowfront build

    Yup that it is. Picked up a hand full of snails last night and man did they pull a graveyard shift on my rocks. Put all of the snails on one rock that rock is nice and white again so i think they will be on top of it within a couple days. My turbo snail seems to have a need to clean under all my...
  11. lank

    72 gallon bowfront build

    First off sorry for being a picture tease will never happen again but here they are Hope you all like my new additions because i do ha. let me know what you all think.
  12. lank

    72 gallon bowfront build

    Sorry for the long update. Tank is fully cycled and 3 Zebra dartfish have been added. Corals Purple Gargonia Hammers Trumpet Number of chalices GSP Green leather Pictures will be uploaded later today when lights flip on and i can get some good pictures. My question to all of you is what would be...
  13. lank

    72 gallon bowfront build

    Bump anyone want to help??
  14. lank

    72 gallon bowfront build

    So have been ghost feeding for 3 days now. Should i continue through out the cycle or just for the first couple days in the cycle?
  15. lank

    72 gallon bowfront build

    2 split return hoses and 2 560 power heads on either side wanting to change them to around 1000gph Put a thin piece of foam between the pump and the glass to stop the vibration A silencer that i made for my skimmer goes over the air intake tube. This has completely silenced the skimmer so...
  16. lank

    72 gallon bowfront build

    Ill upload some pictures later tonight. On a good note the micro bubbles have stopped entering the display tank so that is very nice. Some more questions of the forum. With 90 gallons of used water, 3.5 lbs of LR, 70lbs of dry rock, and a 20lb of live sand. How long should i wait to start...
  17. lank

    72 gallon bowfront build

    That i did just got water in it today and its running great will have to make some minor changes to the plumbing but hey its my 1st tank build so i figured this would be the case. I have a PSK100 Eshopps skimmer. My problem with it is that it is shooting mirco bubbles out into my display tank...
  18. lank

    72 gallon bowfront build

    So if all goes well Monday ill be getting water in it and getting the cycle starting. Is there anything i should change before putting water in?
  19. lank

    72 gallon bowfront build

    Well its been a while and we finally moved into our new apartment. As of new up dates i have added around 70 - 80 lbs of sand so around a inch n half of sand. I added around 65 lbs of Key Largo rock from Marc. Very nice stuff btw. The sump was changed from a 20 gallon to a 40 and is baffled out...
  20. lank

    72 gallon bowfront build

    ok wow may have to rethink the ATI lights then very interesting. I have just never heard of the UVL bulbs.