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  1. dirkster13

    Eel Dilema

    My Hippo Tang is starting to scratch. I would like to add a neon goby or cleaner wrasse. You seemed concerned over the # of fish I have in my 70 gallon. I have 4 tangs, 1 marone clown, 1 green chromis, 1 manderin goby & the famous eel. Is that too much? They all seem to be doing great.
  2. dirkster13

    Eel Dilema

    I have a 70 gallon with hippo, sailfin, yellow and cole tangs & a chain link eel. Everything was going great (2 years). Had a cleaner shrimp that constantly cleaned the tangs and the eel - no problem. Cleaner shrimp dissapeared suddenly as has all the replacement shrimps. Caught the eel...