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  1. ryand5

    Angle in a 30 galloin tank?

    pigmy angles can i think if i read right on the sight
  2. ryand5

    isn't it true that ick can come anytime,if a fish is stressed or for whatever reason

    ok but i got a question, if you have a new tank let it cycle and stuff if the LR or LS has is during the cycle would it die or would it be able to feed off of the cycle, because whats the point of QT the fish if the tank natually has it
  3. ryand5

    very awckword... need serious help

    ok about 2 days ago my anemone died for unexplaind reasons. i took it out and flushed it because it was nolonger coverd by fish store. Then yesterday morning i fed the fish, came home from football practice and everything was dead. The 2 clowns, 2 turbo austria, 2 turbo mexican, 2 nassarius, a...
  4. ryand5

    Moving my tank, need advise

    well if you let the gunk from your cc and lr settle for about an hour or you know untill it clears(time varries on amount of bactiria in sand)then you should be good to use the same water. ive had to move my 30 meny times back and forth from school to home.. and then we moved again in the...