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  1. bluemoon


    my tangs are 3-5 inches and my grouper is 4 and my lion is close to a 4in i think
  2. bluemoon


    i did took out all of it but there little pieces of the rock here and there and i did a water change today and still read the same
  3. bluemoon


    i have a 30 gallon tank thats not used, and where am i post to get cycle water at? i have ammonia dropper but its for freshwater should i use it??
  4. bluemoon


    100g and 70pounds live rock 90pounds live sand and has ben running for 9 month
  5. bluemoon


    i have a fimbriated eel coming by mail what should i do
  6. bluemoon

    A Few Pics Of My 90 Gallon Fish Only Tank

    nice fake tank
  7. bluemoon


    3 tangs dont know what kind and antenneta lionfish and like 3 damsel for my lion fish to play with and 1 leaflip grouper, not to much of live stock
  8. bluemoon


    any one???
  9. bluemoon

    Not Bad For My Apartment

    Originally Posted by carshark this is absolutely ridiculous.... someone please delete these members and this thread.... YOU ACT LIKE ITS NOT HARD TO MAKE A NEW SCREEN NAME
  10. bluemoon

    Not Bad For My Apartment

    Your Tank Is Nice I Dont Know Why They Are Critizing You O Well It Seem People Aint Got Nothing To Do Then Say Some Crazy Stuff O Well Take Care Of Your Tank...
  11. bluemoon


    and it has ben 2 days
  12. bluemoon


    stupid local fish store gave me 15pounds uncured rock and said it was cured now my fish tank is 1.5mg ammonia and ph is 8.6 what should i do? I did a 45% water change and the same reading. My tank is 100g that have live stock, my fish has no color lost yet and just staying in one place...