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  1. fishlover9

    Whats wrong with my mushroom toadstool

    Thanks for the replies. My toadstool actually is back standing up straight now. Tank specs 90gl RR with 30gl sump/fuge Alk- 4.0 Total flow is around 1600 gph not counting the protien skimmer. The tank is about 8 months old and was upgraded from my 55gl that was 4yrs old. RO water for changes...
  2. fishlover9

    Whats wrong with my mushroom toadstool

    When I got home from work today i noticed that my mushroom toadstool looked like it had fallen over. When I looked closer it looks like it is bent midway. You will notice that the stalk(I guess that what you call it) is darker and has some red streaks in the bottom area. This was the color it...
  3. fishlover9

    Goby in QT

    thanks everyone, I think we might make the move this weekend.
  4. fishlover9

    Goby in QT

    I have had my new Orange spotted shrimp goby in my qt for about 4 weeks now. Everything looks good and I hope to move him into my 90gl reef in another week or so. My question is, how can I tell if he has ick or any other disease? I have had other fish in my qt before but they have all had bright...
  5. fishlover9

    Closed loop or Tunze?

    I am looking to increase flow in my tank while removing my 3 MJ900's. I was originally going with a closed loop running around 1200gph, but now I am looking at adding a Tunze 6010. My tank is a 90gl RR with a 30gl fuge. So what are the pros and cons of each? thanks, mike
  6. fishlover9

    Trimming/Prunning cheato

    So do you just cut a chunk out or should you trim around the edges? thanks
  7. fishlover9

    Trimming/Prunning cheato

    Ok this may sound dumb, but how exactly do you trim your cheato? I have had some in my fuge for about 3 weeks and it is growing like a weed. Do I just cut around the edges? Thanks
  8. fishlover9

    Another Plumbing Question

    I just got my new 90gl Oceanic rr tank and I can't decide if I should use flex tubing for my drain in the overflow or if I should hard plum it with PVC. Its a 1 in drain opening and will only be going down about 1ft before it empties into my sump/fuge. I will be using flex tubing for my...
  9. fishlover9

    Opinions on my fuge needed.

    I will drop my baffle down to 14, I guess I can give up an inch. Nice looking fuge you got there. What size is it? Is it DIY? What size is your main tank? What type of macro algea do you have in there? Thanks for all the advice by the way. I am so exicited about upgrading my tank, I just...
  10. fishlover9

    Opinions on my fuge needed.

    I have heard that your fuge should be feed unskimmed water. I do a little searching on the issue.
  11. fishlover9

    Opinions on my fuge needed.

    Maybe I should just put another baffle on the left side, so water has to go down under the baffle and then over the next one.
  12. fishlover9

    Opinions on my fuge needed.

    Any suggestion are welcome. I am using a 29gl tank . The DSB will be in the longest area and will be about 5in deep. The flow thru the entire fuge will be around 550gl an hour. This will be for my 90gl RR tank. The rest of the flow will come from a closed loop setup and a few power heads...
  13. fishlover9

    Upgrading to a 120

    Thanks for the reply. The 1/2 inch sand bed is because I don't like the look of the bare bottom. Adding some more rock shouldn't be a problem as long as base rock is ok. As for the flow the mag 12 will give me around 1100gl and the mag 5 around 300. I will then also have atleast 2 maxi 900...
  14. fishlover9

    Upgrading to a 120

    I’m upgrading my 55g reef to a 120g and would like some suggestions on my setup. I will be transferring about 70pds of live rock and will be adding an additional 20pds of live rock along with 60pds of base rock. Currently I have about a 2-3 inch sand bed and I am thinking about only doing...