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  1. coralbeaut

    Green Hair Alge

    I have about 10 to 15 Turbo's and about 8 Hermits a Bicolored Blennie, Coral Beauty, Yellow tank, Neon Goby and a Clown. I feed once a day about a 1/4 of a cube of frozen foode 1/8 formula 2 and 1/8 formula 1. I use RO water from my LFS. I do water changes of 5 to 10 gal. a week. Thank for all...
  2. coralbeaut

    Green Hair Alge

    This is my first posting. I have a 75 gal. tank with a Fluval 404. The tank is 11 months old. I have Green Hair Alge taking over my tank and am looking for thoughts on how to get it out of my tank. A week ago I added phosGuard to my 404 to remove any phosphates from the water. All water tests...