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  1. babel fish

    cleaner gobies in aggressive tank...?

    well i dont have any yet. I have a small mini reef going but am stepping up to a large aggresive tank and was wondering if I should/could put a couple cleaner gobies in with them. It will be a 125 and I have no idea what to stock it with yet.
  2. babel fish

    20 gallon tank, 2 filters, canopy and much more....

    just a regular plastic canopy or custom wood? If custom wood im interested.
  3. babel fish

    Vote for better test kits...

    Originally Posted by airforceb2 bump Any test input is appreciated. I havn't used either. I have a seachem basic marine kit that includes that standard stuff. It's a liquid test but extremely easy to use. Out of ammonia, trites, trates, Alk and Ph...Alk is the only color "changing", count the...