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  1. wind

    Eel not eating

    I might be new at this, but i believe its better to feed live stuff. Its always better. Its fresh and the nutrients are preserved. If its new in the tank, just put fishes in. I've read that puffers eat guppies. Just give it live fishes, like the beach type. Anytype. just ask around.
  2. wind

    Whats the difference between emperor filters and the penguin.

    What is the difference between the penguin filter and the emperor.
  3. wind

    Which Cleaner Wrasse is GOOD.

    Does it live long though. I don't know. What type of fish will go good with a yellow tang, a percula clown, and possibly a royal gamma included. I need to know which fish to add to my 55
  4. wind

    Which Cleaner Wrasse is GOOD.

    I like the blue cleaner wrasse. But actually I am looking for a cleaner wrasse. I have a yellow tang, and a percula clown. I think they will get along but they say wrasses die fast. What do they eat and is that true.