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  1. jonnywater

    Yet another clam ID

    I would read up HIGHLY on dripping Kalkwasser if I was you before I started adding it. Also two little fishies (thats the companies name) makes a good brand IMO. You can go read about it on several of websites. What is good for some is not good for others though. But go check it out. Also on the...
  2. jonnywater

    Yellow Fiji Leather???

    I would bet odds that it came from a lower watt system. Thing looks burnt to me. I would lean 90% in that direction and about 10% toward bacterial.
  3. jonnywater

    Salifert Flatworm Exit hurts me feelings

    What in the name of christ are you talking about? They are saying that the adults die, then all the eggs hatch at the same time and create more adults that lay more eggs. When in fact some of the eggs hatch, then they lay eggs, then the eggs that were layed before them hatch - basically it is...
  4. jonnywater

    bang guy NEW READINGS on mixed salt

    I have something else to add. Your alk is higher then hell. Read a test kit. Some of them dont even go that high. OMG!!!
  5. jonnywater

    Tissue Recession..I thought I had it right

    I guess I was kidding. LOL
  6. jonnywater

    Ph Drop??

    Wasnt talking to you. Calm down. You want me to call anyone for you?
  7. jonnywater

    Salifert Flatworm Exit hurts me feelings

    You are wrong. Go type this in google like so many people seem to love "flatworm hatchling cycle". When you notice flatworms, they are several different ages by that time. They get so crowded in the rockwork, that they feel the need to come out. SO THE EGGS ARE OF DIFFERENT AGE!!! It would be...
  8. jonnywater

    Ph Drop??

    Originally Posted by ctgretzky9 does not raise pH. It PROTECTS pH drop. It is what it states, a buffer. I suggest, first, you check your calcium levels as alk and calc are related. Your alk is really low, should be up near 3.5 meq/l. Do you dose any b-ionic or any other 2...
  9. jonnywater

    Clam ID and position?

    Originally Posted by Bang Guy I thought Dan Knop wrote Giant Clams. He'll be quite unhappy to discover that someone by the name of Reed wrote it. Well, if he said the Sun only produces 3 spectrums; Red, Yellow, and Blue then he's a bit mistaken. If he said two of the spectrums are gon within...
  10. jonnywater

    Yet another clam ID

    high high low good good good a little low Thing is that it could have retracted its mantle BEFORE it came to the store and tore a muscle in its mantle. That would cause one or the other side to fall into the shell. It would also cause encrusting of algae to form within days because of the...
  11. jonnywater

    bang guy NEW READINGS on mixed salt

    You know, oddly enough that has NEVER happened to me. I upped the SG of several of tanks from about 1.021 to about 1.035 and have NEVER had a problem with precipitation in my life. Maybe its just the world is upside down in my house or something. The reason that I did that though was because it...
  12. jonnywater

    Salifert Flatworm Exit hurts me feelings

    6/10 tanks will have reocurring problems. I could not add another thing to my tank and will most likely have 4-5 outbreaks over the next year.
  13. jonnywater

    Yet another clam ID

    Doubt it. Things can form on the inside of the shell at any time regardless of how open the clam is. You could even go with the fact that the mantle is completely torn apart. Look at the slits and chunks missing out of it. Then the color line is gone showing that it has nearly lost the ability...
  14. jonnywater

    Yet another clam ID

    I wouldnt worry about the shell to much. Most likely bang is referring to the colored line that is supposed to be along the brim. Croceas can hit spurts of growth on their shell that causes their mantle to be to small and the (in most cases) orange or yellow line to disappear. Outside of that...
  15. jonnywater

    Clam ID and position?

    Originally Posted by Bang Guy I just wanted to mention that nothing in the above paragraph conforms to the current information available in the hobby. I just wanted to mention that it is why the water around the reefs is a certain color blue and why clams are use to a certain color spectrum...
  16. jonnywater

    Are illyanassa obesoleta snails ok for a reef tank?

    Auction site, seller from one of the carolinas. I have seen them get to the size of a quarter and they live in 65 degree water.
  17. jonnywater

    bang guy NEW READINGS on mixed salt

    I still like Bang Guy's first section of advice. If I want to raise or lower my SG on my like clam only tank for example - I do it weekly. If I want to go from 1.020 to 1.026, I will mix a batch at 1.027 then 1.028 the next week and after 4-5 weeks it should be there. I wouldnt do that in your...
  18. jonnywater

    bang guy NEW READINGS on mixed salt

    Originally Posted by Bang Guy The powdery coating could have been from any previous batch, it kind of accumulates. that would be crust not dust wouldnt it? a dusty coating usually implies that it is as if his cords were sitting awhile and got a DUSTING of some other chemical on them. Good job...
  19. jonnywater

    bang guy NEW READINGS on mixed salt

    Your alk is higher then hell. Nearly every place recommends (really I dont care though what anyone recommends) that a good alk rating is between 2.8 and 3.3 meq/L or a KH of close to 8 as possible. <yawn> your alk is higher then hell. period. Read a salifert test kit, read any test kit for that...
  20. jonnywater

    bang guy NEW READINGS on mixed salt

    Originally Posted by MikeGray doing the top off with salt water will raise salt faster huh. i just did a huge water change and it only raised barely if any. a 20g change.. and i was thinking im taking salt out and just putting new in with a little more.. if i top off with salt water im keepin...