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  1. cheapfish1

    Damsels are too smart!!

    may i suggest a volitan lion. Very entertaining in a sick and twisted way to watch the lion stalk down the damsels.
  2. cheapfish1

    Puffers vs. lions

    that was my thought although i would rather do both
  3. cheapfish1

    Puffers vs. lions

    I have a 55 cycling right now and want a valenti puffer and a fuzzy dwarf lion or a fu man chu lion. My question is that i have heard that puffers sometimes pick on lion fish but does this occur alot or is it one of those happened once to someone's cousins tank and now no one says you can have a...
  4. cheapfish1

    newby with questions

    it sounds like from your post you are just now cycling the tank so its ok for the parameters to be high since you more than likely have no livestock in the tank. The ammonia will be high for a while then it will decrease and nitrites will come up and then they will go away and the nitrates will...
  5. cheapfish1

    help me please!!!!!!!!!

    this is a tank you are just starting? If so you need a filter,live rock, tank, live sand. Later down the road you will probably want a skimmer, upgraded lights. And not to rain on your parade you need alot more than 2 hundred. I would say probably triple that no matter what size tank you get. If...
  6. cheapfish1

    30 gallon

    ok i have seen things saying that both a valentini puffer and a dwarf lion lets say FU man chu only require 30 gallon tanks. So could they be put in one 30 gallon tank together with great filtration? that would be awesome, thanks for any replies. mike
  7. cheapfish1

    2700 gallon aquarium pics

    hey REquiem you mentioned your mysid shrimp tank ealry in the thread. I wanted to do this too i was wondering what all you put into this. If you could post pics that would be awesome or email me at also where did you order the live mysid?
  8. cheapfish1

    My New Stingray!

    hey if they grow that slow what is the minimum tank size for them when the are say 6 inches in diameter? My LFSs have them and they look awesome i would love to get one when i upgrade my tank. Are they hard to feed and what do they eat?
  9. cheapfish1

    Post Pics Of You Mh Lighting

    my 184 watt mh and pc odyssea set up. Love it and it cost me under 200 dollars
  10. cheapfish1


    do i just keep feeding until it stops sending out the feeder tentacles or what? all i haver currently are some phyto and vitamin fed brine so about how many per polyp would you estimate?
  11. cheapfish1


    hey i just got a bunch of my corals. One is a blasto and i realize i should feed it but my ?s is do i have to shoot the shrimp to each polyp or is it just like feeding one feeds the whole colony? what about trumpet corals are they the same way? thanks mike
  12. cheapfish1

    What should I put in a 30gal?

    in my 30 i have a pair of true percs, a coral beauty, and a lawn mower blennie. I love em.
  13. cheapfish1

    What is drilling?

    i dont have a diagram but my understanding is tank drilling allows for in tank drilling as opposed to the hang on the back style. What happens is they drill a hole in your tank and put a sheet of plastic kind of stuff to separate off that part of your tank. Water over flows that plastic and...
  14. cheapfish1

    acan lord and blasto

    my question are first can blastos and acan lords touch, are they close enough that it doesnt matter. Also can different acans and different blastos touch each other? thanks
  15. cheapfish1

    lighting question

    shrooms will do great in that lighting but no anemone, unfortunatly they need metal halide lighting. mike
  16. cheapfish1

    does anyone use UG filters ...

    i find mine to take little work. I stir up the crushed coral with a giant paint stirrer once in a while but other than that, nothing.
  17. cheapfish1

    does anyone use UG filters ...

    i do because thats what my LFS set me up with. I have had no nitrate problems. although i also have a hob and skimmer so pretty good other filtration
  18. cheapfish1

    Lighting for 30 gal high....

    may i suggest the 24 inch odyssea lights. Check that great auction site it goes for about 150. It has a 150 watt mh, dual Pc 24 watts and 2 moonlights. Many people will say it sucks but those are people that havent used it. I have had it on my tank for a month or so and love it.
  19. cheapfish1

    sharin a pic of my lion

    what kind is he? And could i have one in a 30 gallon? Also would it definitly make nemo a snack?
  20. cheapfish1

    pic size question If you are using windows xp please go to the above link and download the powertools. One of them is an imaze resizer which once installed allows you to right click on any picture and change the size. Hope this helps mike