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  1. adam747

    frag tanks

    I think it would make a VERY NICE frag tank, but you can do one for a lot cheaper than what that will run you. Let us know of your final decision!!!
  2. adam747

    Made the CC Switch

    I have a question about this. I will soon be doing this myself and I was wondering, do I have to take the fish out to put the sand in? I dont want to hurt them. Also, how long does it take to clear up?
  3. adam747

    Just a pic of my dog...

    Originally Posted by jdragunas What you can't see is about 10 hands that were just removed for the picture. If i had taken a pic a second after that, you would've see her shake the stuff of, and get up, look at me like i just tried to kill her, and walk away mad at me... lmao. Oh, lol...thats...
  4. adam747

    Help with my avatar! and help me choose a new one!

    alrighty-I have a TON myself...
  5. adam747

    Help with my avatar! and help me choose a new one!

    My old LFS sold it for 9.50 a pound!! And it was CRAP ROCK!!! My current one has it for 7 bucks a pound, but 12 is INSANE!!
  6. adam747

    Help with my avatar! and help me choose a new one!

    Originally Posted by treybomb I THOUGH T MY LR WAS GOOD PRICE COMPARED TO OTHER LFS AND WHA PEOPLESAY ON HERE.... UNCURED LR AT MY LFS IS $4 SO THATS PRETTY GOOD Everything is cheaper in the big cities because they are more likely to be able to get things easier from wholesalers. Everything...
  7. adam747

    Help with my avatar! and help me choose a new one!

    Liking the avatar Tommy.
  8. adam747

    Help with my avatar! and help me choose a new one!

    Originally Posted by treybomb YUP AND SO DID A COUPLE OTHERS THE MODS ARE BEING ............ :mad:
  9. adam747

    Help with my avatar! and help me choose a new one!

    Thanks for the site!! And, yeah, LR isnt cheap.
  10. adam747

    Help with my avatar! and help me choose a new one!

    How much is that again?? How many pounds I mean...BTW, I LOVE my new skimmer. It RULES!!! I love the tornado inside it...
  11. adam747

    Help with my avatar! and help me choose a new one!

    Originally Posted by treybomb OHH I TOOK ALL FAKE STUFF...OUT..... ITS BLURRY CUZ ITS REALLY HARD TO TAKE GOOD PICS WITH ONE HAND!LOL Oh, lol. How much did ur LR cost? ...if you dont mind me asking...
  12. adam747

    Help with my avatar! and help me choose a new one!

    You still need about another 15-20 pounds of rock.
  13. adam747

    Help with my avatar! and help me choose a new one!

    Not bad but those pics are really blurry. Are those brown diatoms on your sand? If so, point your powerheads down at your sand to prevent that. Nice fake clam.
  14. adam747

    Help with my avatar! and help me choose a new one!

    Originally Posted by jhebi is the tank back paper Bush and Cheney??? hahahahah i like # 8 YUCK! BARF!! Bush...BARF!!
  15. adam747


    hmm...not bad. Is that brown diatoms on your sand?? Point your powerheads downward so your filter can get them. PLEASE tell me that that isnt a real clam. Jk.
  16. adam747

    I Just Broke My Collarbone!(ouch) Anyone Else Break It Before????

    If only I could find that STUPID charger, I would post pics!!!!!!!!!!!! :cheer:
  17. adam747

    I Just Broke My Collarbone!(ouch) Anyone Else Break It Before????

    GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He is a little skinny right now but I think thats because my LFS doesnt hardly feed their fish at all.
  18. adam747


    This isnt my thread. Treybomb started this one for me!!
  19. adam747

    Zoas Zoas Zoas did i mention that there are Zoas?

    awesome oceana! How do u always get your hands on AWESOME zoos????
  20. adam747


    Originally Posted by connor i have seen the whole argument vietboio was very imature and rude adam did not one thing wrong Thanks!! I just hope the mods look at this, and dont delete it.