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  1. marine_nut

    2 clowns hosted in one day

    couple years ago, when i had 3 occelaris, i had bought a magnificent anemone and within 10 minutes of it being in the tank, all 3 were swimming around in there... this was before 1 clown got bullyed and died and the anemone died aswell
  2. marine_nut

    anenomes-when to buy one??

    yeh i thought i would have to have my tank up and running for about 5 months, its only been going for 1, i know that my clowns dont really need one but they are still cool to have. im going to wait a while till i get an anenome and do some more research on them, thanks for your help guys
  3. marine_nut

    anenomes-when to buy one??

    i haveonly just put a couple clownfish in my new sw tank and i was wondering if i could get a anenome for them, my question is should i get a few corals first or could i just buy an anenome-would i need a little experience first before i buy one?? :help: