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  1. freddy949

    electronic ballast wiering q

    it work like a charm. Thanks a lot you saved me some cash. let me know if you ever need any home theater stuff i'll hook you up. I got a home theater company.
  2. freddy949

    electronic ballast wiering q

    The wires comming out of the bulb plugs are acctually red and black, so should I just match the blue with black and the red with red, and does it matter which one I cap off and which one I plug into the ballast?
  3. freddy949

    electronic ballast wiering q

    sick thanks man, i'll try it today, i'll let you know how it works
  4. freddy949

    blue tang size

    how long would it take for a blue tang to grow from very small (the tiny ones you see at the store) to 3 inches+
  5. freddy949

    electronic ballast wiering q

    in case you can't read the old it says red blue red blue starting from the top going down
  6. freddy949

    electronic ballast wiering q

    not sure i follow here are some pics old ballst new ballast plugs for lightbulb
  7. freddy949

    electronic ballast wiering q

    Hi all I have this odyssea light that I bought for cheap. After 6 months of use the electronic ballast broke(supprise supprise). I ordered a ballast to replace it. My problem is that it is the right ballast for my lights, but it is a different one than what was in the light. My light has 2 96...
  8. freddy949

    zoos dying off

    cool thanks
  9. freddy949

    zoos dying off

    ok they look like the Collonista amakusaensis. So they are good? cuz I went on vecation for a week and when I got back I found about 100 of them in my tank.
  10. freddy949

    zoos dying off

    i didn't find any snails in the zoos , most of them do not look like sundials maybe one or two. i have found sundial snails in my zooz before but i removed them and haven't seen them since. I guess i will just have to keep cheking my zoos.
  11. freddy949

    zoos dying off

    ok i just plulled 19 of them out by hand here is a pic some are black and white but some have otehr colors are they all sundial snails? oh and i haven't seen them on my actual zoo rock
  12. freddy949

    zoos dying off

    thanks guys They look like the sundial pic but more colorful. I'll try to take a pic. Also I noticed a bunch of small star fish appearing and tehy are multiplying in numbers. should I worry?
  13. freddy949

    zoos dying off

    I have a zoo rock and latley I been noticing that the number of zoos has been decreasing. The ones hat are still there are healthy but there are less of them. I have had the rock for almost a year now witout any problems. My guess is that something is eating them. what eats zoos? latley I have...
  14. freddy949


    yah looks like those snails, do they move much?
  15. freddy949


    i have these small red things that grow on my lr and out of their tips they have a long small string that comes out some times(kinda looks like a string from a spiderweb). i am guessing they are some sort of filter feeders anyone know what they are and if they r bad? thanks -fred
  16. freddy949

    id please

    definatly not that it is all one color kinda white beige and not it doesn't move
  17. freddy949

    id please

    definatly not that it is all one color kinda white beige and not it doesn't move
  18. freddy949

    id please

    good, bad?
  19. freddy949

    id please
