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  1. budder

    How Much Money Is Everyone Into Their Tank?

    I lost track after 1500 on my 55.... what happened?
  2. budder

    Boxfish (Ostracion cubicus)

  3. budder

    little white spots

  4. budder

    green tint

    I would not recomend the water change as this could cause a surge of nutients diatoms need to reproduce. This will cause water that is so green and cloudy that you will not be able to find your fish! On a positive note ,If it is a bloom (green water), your fish are in no danger.
  5. budder

    green tint

    could be a diatom bloom. i had the same problem once, the only way i got rid of the green water was to install an UV. A uv will kill all types of algae that passes though it which will render you very high clarity.
  6. budder

    Boxfish (Ostracion cubicus)

    the shrimp did the trick , man, he was hungry.
  7. budder

    Boxfish (Ostracion cubicus)

    Hi all, i recently pruchased a lil poka doted box fish from my lfs, its been two days and the lil fish is not eating so well ive tryed meaty pettets, algea flakes, and bloodworms (dryed). he is only picking at my live rocks and grazing a little, but only every so often. i tryed turning up the...