:help: I have a 150 fish only tank with just a couple small fish. Before I go any
farther, would it be better to buy a protien skimmer or u.v. sterilizer first. Also what
brand would you suggest ? ( i'm running two fluval filter )
:happyfish I don,t have any pictures. I,ve seen pictures of some tanks in the message board
and I'm blown away. I have a lot to learn but everyone here has been very helpfull.
how about a powder blue tang / or flame angel ?
I,m still not sure what fish to put into my 150 fish only tank. i have the following:
1- damsel
1-small butterfly
1- maroon clown
Could I put a juvenile- emperor angel in with my butterfly? they have the same shape.
I have used soft water to fill my 150 fish only at my last house and about 8 weeks
ago in my present house with no problems. if you buy a home water test kit it will
tell you water hardness levels can be ignored for salt water. good luck.
I would like to add a angel or tang to my 150 tank. it has only been up for about
8 weeks after a move. can i do this with little to no alge in my tank?