Search results

  1. george16u

    Blue Tang w/ BAADDDD case of ich...suggestions

    i had the same problem with my hippo tang. i also got the kick ich medication and it did not work also, so i tried something more natural. i soaked my food with galic extreme by kent and i also purchased a six line wrase just for the hell of it. i was reading in some forum that this guy also...
  2. george16u

    pop eye

    i have corals and fish in my saltwater tank. i just noticed one of my lyretails has pop eye. i was wondering what would be a safe medication to use in my tank or should i let it run its couse until healed? :help:
  3. george16u

    MH lighting for 90g

    im dont know but if it is im setting a 90 up and i might be interested in the web site
  4. george16u

    MH lighting for 90g

    would like to know where that deal is because i'm interessted