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  1. maxxy

    feeding clams

    Thanks again I'll give it a try. I have alot of really goodf eaters. Food rarely ever hits the bottom of my tanks. I have only been able to find alot of clams in a bag. If I freeze the rest do I take them out of the shell of freeze them in the shell?
  2. maxxy

    feeding clams

    I never thought of mixing all the stuff together thanks HatesSushi. I do have a question for Psusocr1 though or anyone else that might know. What does burp the clams mean? Getting fresh seafood form the grocery store is alot cheaper than buying stuff from the lfs. I would like to hear any other...
  3. maxxy

    feeding clams

    Thanks for the info. I figured it would be alot cheaper than the lfs. I'm going to give it a try. Thanks again.
  4. maxxy

    feeding clams

    My fish love clams. I've been buying the already frozen ones from my lfs. Does anyone know can you buy the fresh and just freeze them? Idf anybody knows if you can and how you do it please let me know.
  5. maxxy


    It is a red tail filefish I was wondering about.
  6. maxxy

    Who Lives In Pa ???

    lansford for me. I didn't think there would be that many people from pa here.
  7. maxxy

    filefish help

    I answered in the other thread I wasn't sure which one I woukld get a response to. I'll just use the other one.
  8. maxxy


    I was going to get one to go with my trigger(pink tail), and my little toby puffer but I was afraid it would be to small. I thought you had to keep them with very mild fish. My trigger and puffer are not aggressive. There is also a tomato clown and midads blenny in a 140. I also have a 150 reef...
  9. maxxy

    filefish help

    I saw it called two different names. One is a colored file fish the other is I beleive a red tail. I wanted to do some research first. From what I'm finding out they are good fish if you can get thr, to eat. Any other help or suggestions would be apperciated. Thanks
  10. maxxy


    thanks I checked the search I'm still not sure if my shrimp will be dinner.
  11. maxxy

    filefish help

    I tried another board but no responses. Does nayone know anything about filefish? I need to know if they will eat cleaner shrimp,urchins,sea cucumbers ect. Any thoughts would help
  12. maxxy


    Does anyone know anything about filefish? I was thinking about getting one but I'm not sure what type of fish they get along with. I also need to know if they woukld eat cleaner shrimp and sea urchins. The one I was looking at is I beleieve a black tail and about 2-3inches.
  13. maxxy

    how long can ich live

    Thanks for the info. I 'll never make the mistake not to treat early again. It was a very expensive and sad lesson. I guess the use of a quarentine tank still isn't 100%.
  14. maxxy

    how long can ich live

    I just lost several fish to ich.and possibly a secondary bacterial infection. I took the olny living fish out of the tank and put him in my sick tank. My question is how long will the tank be infected? It is a 75 gallon I have a few inverts in there and also some corals. I made the mistake of...
  15. maxxy

    polyp rocks or mushrooms

    Does anyone know if polyp rocks or mushrooms have a big effect on the bioload in your tank? I want to try one and I'm not sure what is a good starting point. I have a double reflector light with 2 50/50 bulbs,Also it's a 75gal tank. any hlep or suggestions would be great. :happyfish
  16. maxxy

    ophiura/ Starfish Questions.

    I have 2 bahama stars. I feed them every other day. They love scallops and shrimp. I also saw them eat a little of the flake food. Mine are also vey active. Good luck with them I just love mine. :happyfish
  17. maxxy

    polyp rocks

    I'm thinking of trying a button polyp,mushroom polyp, or a pimpled mushroom. However I don't know anything about them and I also would like to know if they cause an increase in the bioload in your tank. If so to what degree? My lfs said they don't but I wanted to get some different ideas and...
  18. maxxy

    Red Sea Star

    The lfs just called it a red star fish. It has lots of black dots on it. From what I can find I think it is the from the genus fromia :happyfish
  19. maxxy

    Red Sea Star

    Has anyone ever owned one? My lfs just got one in and I really would love it however I can't find much info about them. The lfs said it would be fine in my tank any suggestions?
  20. maxxy

    Time to add a new fish?

    Thanks, I think I'm going to go with the foxface. Everything I read on them sounds good. They seem like a hardy fish. Do you know do they accept food without much of a problem?