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  1. billyocean

    Blue Ring

    MR. 125! Hey man i picked up a blue ring too. Ive never kept an octopus before and im pretty excited about it. you had much better luck with your post. everyone grilled me. all i asked was if anybody had any experience with them and if they needed special parameters! you know some fish are a...
  2. billyocean

    Blue Ring Octopus

  3. billyocean

    Blue Ring Octopus

    Here Are Your Pics Troll [hr] !!!!!!!
  4. billyocean

    Blue Ring Octopus

    for all the people who said i put this up for attention......LICK MY NUTS! in no way do i want attention from you "oh so cool" guys on the internet. simple question if anybody had any experience with the animal.
  5. billyocean

    Blue Ring Octopus

    good input. i know it should be kept in the wild...but so should everything else we put in our tanks. and i dont plan to put my hand in the tank anytime soon. the statistics about the bite and death are pretty scary, but so is oakland, california and i have a better chance getting killed...
  6. billyocean

    Blue Ring Octopus

    A buddy and I just picked up a pair of blue ring octopus. Before you all start lecturing me about how dangerous they are, I know. And yes i know its crazy to keep one in a tank. Purpose of the post is to see if anybody has kept one? and what specs they will survive in? any advice besides...
  7. billyocean

    sump setup

    ok, i am setting up my sump on my 90g. here is the problem, a friend has his set up with live rock and algae as the filter media. the local fish store says that its not the best idea because the algae takes nutrients and the live rock causes me to do water changes on my sump. on the other had...
  8. billyocean

    peppered catshark

    Galeus piperatus. Havent found any pictures anywhere.
  9. billyocean

    peppered catshark

    anybody have any pics of the shark? says it reaches max length of 12 inches. thanks.
  10. billyocean

    spots on rock

    the snails are leaving behind eggs. mine do this every once in awhile and ive actually found baby snails in my tank.
  11. billyocean

    spots on rock

    little white spots on rock. what is it? :notsure:
  12. billyocean

    protein skimmer for sharks

    heard its a good idea. any suggestions on the type of skimmer to buy? right now i have a 90 gallon that will house a coral cat shark for 6-9 months (shark is 10 inches right now), upgrading in the future, cant decide on a 180 or bigger. thanks for the help. also i have a rena xp3 canister filter.
  13. billyocean

    Hippo Changed Color

    so when i got home today i turned on my lights and my hippo had changed colors almost completely. his whole underside had changed from blue to yellow just like the tail. not as bright but definitely yellow. anybody know why this would happen? withing two minutes he was back to his normal...
  14. billyocean

    coral cat shark

    ok cool thanks again. ya i saw the website for the book, thats how i found out the shark i want is a coral cat, probably goin to pick that up and see what it has to offer.
  15. billyocean

    coral cat shark

    right now i have a 90 tall. the coral cat is only 10 inches long so i figure i can house it in the 90 for a little while until i upgrade to something bigger like 180 as you mentioned. i was told the shark would be ok with other fish and shrimp..think thats true?
  16. billyocean

    coral cat shark

    thanks, what type of fish you got planned with it? i was thinking of a flame angel, purple tang, and maybe some sort of wrasse. think those will work?
  17. billyocean

    coral cat shark

    so ive heard that these are typically small sharks and can live in a 100 gallon tank.. any thoughts? max lenght is 24 inches. says they can be kept with other fish..any suggestions on the types of fish i could keep with the shark?
  18. billyocean

    ich a tanks best friend

    thanks. im thinking my butterfly has spots that look more like the lymphocyctis. from what ive ready there is no cure and its just to feed them well and maintain the water.
  19. billyocean

    urchin losing spines

    thanks, ill check that. the puffer was traded in for a cool little decorator crab and a tiger snail. dont think there is any disease in the tank because everything else is doing fine. (sea cucumber, nudibranch, hippo tang, copperbanded butterfly).
  20. billyocean

    ich a tanks best friend

    :help: are white spots a guarantee of ich? i have a copperbanded butterfly who has one lil white dot on his fin. he seems healthy otherwise. it is not rubbin on any rocks or breathing heavy and it seems to be eating and adjusting to the tank just fine. could this spot be something different from...