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  1. fau8

    Yellow watchman issue

    I had 2 and got a mated pair. They are fun to watch.
  2. fau8

    Would removing the 2" plastic back strip help gas exchange?

    Do no remove the 2" black piece, your tank will fail. That surportit needed to prevent the tank sides from bowing out.
  3. fau8


    It doesn't matter, Queston is why do you want to make the change? If you have a fish only set up I would use any name brand mix, if you are running a reef you can go higher end with salts that are enhanced with calcium etc. I have always used reef crystals and have not had any issues. I still...
  4. fau8

    How to change your sand

    invest in snails that burrow into the sand bed switching to crushed coral is not the way to go.
  5. fau8

    Coil denitrator help

    I appears to be still cycleing. If you still have nitrates at the exit point you don't have enough anerobic batira present. So your LFS is currect in telling you to slow down the drip rate. If it goes to low (drip rate)you will start to smell the odor of rotten eggs (not a good thing). I would...
  6. fau8

    L.E.D reef lighting?

    Has any one used the marineland reef capable lighting? I currently use a Curret 72" T5 12 bulb unit and am having great sucess. I was thinking of investing in the LEDs. Additional question the Marine land unit comes in two sizes 24 to 36" and 36' to 48" I have a 125 gallon 6' long tank with the...
  7. fau8

    Here's my 125 gallon, let me know what you think.

    yep, it was a left over from my son's tank.
  8. fau8

    Help with water parameters

    Do you use a uv sterilizer? With your setup it would be a good investment.
  9. fau8

    Here's my 125 gallon, let me know what you think.

    This tank has been up for 2 years now. I statrted with a 75 gallon and moved to to this. All equipment was purchased used in preperation for the upgrade, this saved a substanail amount of $$
  10. fau8

    Here's my 125 gallon, let me know what you think.

    I haven't visited this site in a while, hope you all are doing fine. If you have any questions feel free to ask... Keith
  11. fau8

    Newbie question for a 4 year hobbyist regarding tank maintenance

    Question, for a tank that has been up over a year why is there no coraline growth on the back glass? Are you cleaning it off? About 3 months ago I transitioned from a 75 to a 125 and I already have about 25% of my rear glass covered.
  12. fau8

    Newbie question for a 4 year hobbyist regarding tank maintenance

    With that size sump you should be fine. It looked smaller than that. I don't even think adding more sand would be the answer at this point. I forget the pound per gallon ratio for live rock. But with your stck list I would think 100-150 pounds would be the goal that includes what you have in the...
  13. fau8

    it was dumped on me. please help

    its hard to tell they all look to be the same to me. the stuff coming out is normal. There is only one opening so what ever goes in will come out the same way. Thier ******** is mucus covered so when they want to clean out they pump out the containiments with the mucus. When they die they stay...
  14. fau8

    Newbie question for a 4 year hobbyist regarding tank maintenance

    IMHO I would add more sand at least another 1". Also more live rock. What size is your sump?
  15. fau8

    it was dumped on me. please help

    Things are looking good, you have a long tenticle caribean anenome. Its not a a nusance but popular because of its price. For now I would say the shrinking is normal. As time goes on this should only happen at night. If its happens during the day its still under stress due to water conditions...
  16. fau8

    it was dumped on me. please help

    reefkpr has been giving good advise. Don't get over whelmed the first 3 weeks concentrait on the water quality. Watch the anenome if it stays small and never opens and then peals off the rock get it out before it pollutes your water. At the end of two weeks if anything looks dead and not...
  17. fau8

    Newbie question for a 4 year hobbyist regarding tank maintenance

    Originally Posted by florida joe The size of the tank or refug in no way guarantee you will not have a nitrate problem. As far as stirring up your substraight do a small section at a time and monitor you water frequently a 1 inch sand bed in a tank of your size IMO is not giving you ample...
  18. fau8

    Show off your Tangs/Surgeonfish!!

    in a 125
  19. fau8

    Newbie question for a 4 year hobbyist regarding tank maintenance

    What type of filter system do you have? A 220 should not have any nitrate issues as it is a very stable environment. A sump with a refugium should solve this issue. Please provide your fish stocking list and feeding schedule.
  20. fau8

    is it really necessary to let newly mixed salt airate for 24 hours before adding?

    I do not believe this to be an issue with newly mixed water. I would however airate water that has been mixed and sitting for more than a week.